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Ethics In Horse slaughter

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1 Ethics In Horse slaughter

2 What is horse slaughter
The killing of horses for human consumption Slaughter houses use bolt-guns to incapacitate the horse Thousands are killed each year Resulting of overbreeding Inexperience to the ownership responsibilities

3 How is the horse slaughtered
Bolt-gun to the forehead of the horse It should take one shot only But many horses have been repeatedly shot There is fear, nerve damage, and danger for both horse and human Horse is hung by one leg and throat is cut Usually, horse is unconscious But recently, techniques have not been properly used. Leading to a conscious horse, as they bleed to death

4 GRAPHIC Video- Horse Slaughter

5 Why should we care? Horses do have feelings
Can smell blood and feel fear Bolt-guns, if used properly, will incapacitate the horse Horse will die in a more humane manner Safer and more proper gun techniques could help ease those who are currently against slaughter of horses

6 Ethical Issue Management in the training of the user who wields the bolt-gun. How effective is the training What techniques can be improved Making death easier for the horse Is horse truly unconscious or alive What can be done for comfort and safety of horse

7 Relation to Operations Management
Each bolt-gun user is trained on how to use the gun properly on the horse However, there has been evidence that the users are not positioning the gun properly It results in the horse thrashing around Resulting in the horse suffering immense pain that shouldn’t be felt Managers could teach more effective training methods to increase efficiency of bolt-gun Also, keeping track of the horses that are run through the slaughter house, are not being properly recorded Therefore, better record-keeping will increase productivity and not mistake killing horses that were not meant to be 1986 Kentucky Derby Winner, Ferdinand was slaughtered for meat because no regulations were in place to protect certain horses from that fate

8 How change could improve the horse industry
Better record-keeping Easier to process horses going through the slaughter houses Makes sure there are no stolen horse being run through by accident Horse industry could recover More efficiency in slaughtering horses could change the way people view this topic Would ease horse suffering by proper bolt-gun usage Give the horse economy a chance to change breeding habits and breed less horses Creating less “unwanted” horses

9 What can be done

10 Solutions For slaughter houses For horse-lovers
Management should take time to properly train the bolt-gun user so the horse does not suffer Have an inspector at each slaughter house who keeps records of horses going through so no mistaken horse is by accidently slaughtered For horse-lovers Breed less horses; Government should instill stricter regulations on horse breeding Create more educational plans for everyone who is interested in owning or breeding a horse Explain the pros and cons of the horse industry

11 References Over 12 years of personal knowledge/ownership/responsibility USE OF THE 'PENETRATING CAPTIVE BOLT' AS A MEANS OF RENDERING EQUINES INSENSIBLE FOR SLAUGHTER VIOLATES ‘THE HUMANE SLAUGHTER ACT OF 1958’. Vivian Farrell of the Int'l Fund for Horses & Dr. Lester Friedlander, DVM

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