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Horse Judging Evaluating Halter Horses Presented by: Katherine Whitby.

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Presentation on theme: "Horse Judging Evaluating Halter Horses Presented by: Katherine Whitby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horse Judging Evaluating Halter Horses Presented by: Katherine Whitby

2 Criteria for Evaluation
1. Balance 2. Muscling 3. Structural Correctness 4. Breed and Sex Characteristics

3 What is Balance? Shoulder, Barrel, Hip in proportion
Top to Bottom-line Ratio Symmetrical Shoulder and Hip Angles

4 (balance, balance, balance!)
Muscling Muscling should be adequate for body size Bigger doesn’t ALWAYS mean better! (balance, balance, balance!) Be careful to distinguish FAT from MUSCLE Check out forearms and gaskins - these are the last areas a horse expresses muscling - if they’ve got muscling there, they’ve got it EVERY where!

5 Structural Correctness
Proper “form” increases the potential for greater “function”. Correct bone structure allows for correct movement and ideally the longevity of the animal. A crooked legged horse may still be able to run a race, however it may not last as long, due to added stress on it’s legs and joints!

6 Ideal Leg Structure Front Rear Side

7 Font View: Form to Function

8 Rear View Base Narrow Base Wide Cow Hocked

9 What is Breed and Sex Character?
Breed Character: Horse should represent characteristics associated with that breed of horse. For Example… Arabian Quarter Horse Morgan Sex Character: Stallion – large jowl, heavier muscling, exaggerated masculine features Mare – typy head, feminine features Gelding- masculine features

10 Check out these Breed Characteristics!

11 Arabian Dished face Arching neck Short flat croup Refined bone
Pronounced Jibbah

12 Quarter Horse Stocky build Compact body type with expressive muscling
More angulation through hip

13 Morgan Heavier Shoulder Flatter croup Arching Neck
Stretched out stance

14 Let’s Review! What are the four criteria for evaluating Halter Horses?
Balance Muscling Structural Correctness Breed and Sex Characteristics

15 Evaluate 4 Aged Quarter Horses
2. 1. 3. 4.

16 Official Placing 2. 1. 3. 4.

17 Reasons: 3 / 2 Both Excellent Quality 3 exhibits more length of hip
3. 2. Both Excellent Quality 3 exhibits more length of hip 3 expressively muscled in hindquarters

18 Reasons: 2 / 1 2 possesses greater balance
2. 1. 2 possesses greater balance 2 shows more powerful hip design 2 spreads greater mass of muscling over his frame

19 Reasons: 1 / 4 1 exhibits greater overall quality; closer typifying
4. 1. 1 exhibits greater overall quality; closer typifying our top two individuals 1 stands more structurally correct 1 neck ties in higher and tighter to his more desirably sloped shoulder. 1 shows more length and muscling through his hip

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