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DONE Need password feature

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Presentation on theme: "DONE Need password feature"— Presentation transcript:

1 DONE Need password feature
At each log-in (even with a NEW user) this window shows up offering to load previous files or to load the new file. Due to patient confidentiality issues this screen should ideally only pop up if you enter a similar name of a previously created file. Need to add 4 digit password feature and admin option to bypass all user passwords. -Scott Need password feature

2 In this black box that appears is where the narrator or “host” is speaking.
Appearance is not good and the volume decreases from the regular introduction to this small video portion. Please incorporate a “window” per the prior version.

3 DONE Tutorial Using the slider slide: if you use the “period” key, sometimes the slider will go up to 101. This appears to be the case for all the slider screens. Please keep between 0 and 100 I can’t seem to reproduce this problem and have reviewed the code, which would not seem to allow a value of It’s difficult to fix the problem, if I can’t make it occur here. -Scott 7/22/08 Fixed on 7/25 after getting Michael’s instructions for causing the problem.

4 DONE IF IT’S NOT TOO EXPENSIVE, TAKE THE “A” OUT OF THE BULLET LIST TEXT, so it reads “Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.” If it’s pricey to do so, add the word “a” to the bubble 7/18/08

5 Remove : DONE To make each of these pop-out window consistent remove the : after Advance Directive

6 DONE Remove ‘s’ To match the title to the left remove the ‘s’ from Living Wills.

7 Should have check mark after section is complete
Should have check mark after section is complete. This seems to not always be the case on this and other sections DONE Add 5th bullet: “Applies only when you can’t speak for yourself.” Section Complete Check-Mark fixed 7/22/08; was because Q4 was only hit sometimes and Q3 sometimes the last question in the sequence. -Scott

8 DONE Add: “who will speak on your behalf”

9 DONE Choosing a Spokesperson/>Answers to Common Questions/>Last bullet-box text: Change text for 2nd box bullet to read: “Doctors are supposed to follow medically reasonable decisions” Replace with: Doctors are supposed to follow medically reasonable decisions”

10 DONE In the Choosing Your Spokesperson section if the user “does not wish to choose any spokesperson at that time” the program should default to skip the next two screens asking about substitute and second substitute spokespeople. This would apply as well if the user decided not to have a substitute spokesperson, the program should default to skip the next screen asking about a second substitute spokesperson

11 Choosing a Spokesperson/>Designating Your Spokesperson:
The space and arrow bars don’t work for navigating forward or backward. Hence, after entering information, it is not possible to use to go back and make specific corrections without erasing the entire entry. 2) The hyphen key (-) does not work —which may be a problem for hyphenated names.3) Add That’s just how it is…. Backspace and Delete, let you go backwards, but it deletes things as you go. Hyphen is fixed;


13 DONE In the fourth row in the “Relationship:” column when you type the text also shows up in row 5 in the “Relationship:” column. Also, the text from row 4/relationship column disappears when you tab or enter to the next box. THE PROBLEM SEEMS TO BE PRIMARILY WITH ROWS 4 and 5, not rows 1-3.

14 Choosing a Spokesperson/>Designating Your Spokesperson/>Limitations screen with free-text box:
It is not possible to use the “Go Back” button —nothing happens when you click it.

15 DONE 62 >Exploring Your Values/>Rating Your Current Health:
As the slider moves up and down, it would be useful to have a numerical value (just to the right of the arrow) that changes. Let us know the cost.

16 DONE Charlie- His captioning isn’t quite right. It should read:
“I’m the type of person who likes to have all the facts and know all my options before making any decision. We’re talking life or death here and I wouldn’t want to make the wrong choice. That’s why for me the most important thing is being sure that medical decisions made on my behalf are based on all the relevant information.” (DONE) Captioning has been fixed, but the font is not the same as fonts used in other videos. Please replace font. I think the font is fixed. I’ve moved to a new computer since this was originally done, so the file didn’t have a font which was named exactly the same or something. I manually set it to Arial, since that should be the font we used and I think it matches the old one, but I don’t have a way to see what font the file was “looking for”.

17 DONE a few issues. When on this screen and I choose Audio On or Audio Off it automatically defaults back to the sliding scales on the previous screen. Also, when on this screen you can hear the full verbal account of what you are making a decision about, but in the text there is nothing that appears. It reads: “First, imagine that you , and you had to in order to survive.” We are missing some key elements here. Also, where are the rest of the scenarios? Fixed….needed to have .txt files available for the loading the conditions/treatments/ and pairs. 17

18 DONE 16. Exploring Your Values > Enduring Side Effects. 7-18-08
The programming is not quite right. The yes and no skip patterns are reversed. It should work as follows: Screen 1 of 3. If user answers no, skip to End of Life Issues. If they answer yes, then go to screen 2. Replace screen 2 of 3 with: “Would you be willing to endure these side effects even if it was certain (100% chance) that you would be severely physically disabled after treatment was over?” If yes, skip slider and go to mental disability question If no, go to slider “At what point would the chance of physical disability become low enough that you would be willing to endure such side effects?” Put triangle on slider at 100% as default position Replace slide 3 of 3 with. “Would you be willing to endure these side effects even if it was certain (100% chance) that you would be severely mentally disabled after treatment was over?” If yes, skip slider and go to end of life issues “At what point would the chance of mental disability become low enough that you would be willing to endure such side effects?”

19 One cannot use the “go back” button on this screen –though this button is active for other subsections of “exploring your values”

20 DONE Kidney Dialysis Filters waste products from blood stream
Typically administered 3 times per week, lasting 4 hours per treatment Is not painful, but can make patients feel tired DONE Add bullets. See slide. May need to move the “more information” button elsewhere

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