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DPAS Loans Via WAWF Scott Milewski 9/8/2011 9/8/2011

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Presentation on theme: "DPAS Loans Via WAWF Scott Milewski 9/8/2011 9/8/2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 DPAS Loans Via WAWF Scott Milewski 9/8/2011 9/8/2011
Good afternoon and welcome to the Webinar on Using Web DPAS and Wide Area Workflow to perform certain loans and transfers. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

2 Recording UIIs in Web DPAS Associating a WAWF User Id
9/8/2011 Agenda What is Web DPAS Recording UIIs in Web DPAS Associating a WAWF User Id Verifying Transfer Via WAWF GFP Loan Setup in Web DPAS Assigning Assets as GFP Returning GFP Via WAWF Review We will talk about recording UIIs and the loan originating in DPAS, the transfer processing in WAWF from Government owner to Contractor Custodian, and the return of Government property from the Contractor to the Government. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

3 What is Web DPAS? Recording UIIs 9/8/2011 9/8/2011
Let’s look at a brief overview of Web DPAS 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

4 Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) Asset Management System An approved Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) Provides accountability for… General Property, Plant & Equipment (Personal Property) Military Equipment (ME) Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) Real Property / Stewardship Land Heritage Assets Provides property financial reporting information Interfaces with the IUID Registry and Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) Supply Room Module Manages Orders, Stockage, Inventory, Issues, Customers Maximizes use of Vendor/Manufacturer Bar Code labels Maintenance and Utilization Module (Release 2.0) Tracks the progress of maintenance being performed through Work Plans Records meter readings for Activity-Based assets Web DPAS is just that, a Web-based accountability system. It has three modules as of release 2.0: Asset Management Supply Room Maintenance and Utilization Web DPAS is an approved accountable Property System of Record, Provides financial reporting and even interfaces with the IUID Registry and WAWF to make your work easier. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

5 Web DPAS IUID Requirements
7/27/2011 IUID Requirements Web DPAS IUID Requirements Next we’ll look at the requirements that DPAS has as a result of complying with DoD regulations on the topic. 9/8/2011 DPAS Webinar Series – Web DPAS and IUID

6 Web DPAS IUID Business Rules
7/27/2011 Business Rules Web DPAS IUID Business Rules Four major IUID Requirements for serial Accountable assets. These assets must… Be “Assigned” a Unique Item Identifier (UII) Be “Recorded” in Web DPAS Be “Marked (Tagged)” with a DoD compliant 2-D Data Matrix containing the UII Be “Reported” to the IUID Registry The UII Status Codes (Sts Cds) in Web DPAS are instrumental in ensuring these requirements are met In DPAS, we apply virtual UIIs to any serial accountable assets that do not already have a UII from a vendor. From the slide … - Assigned means that a UII has been associated with a Web DPAS asset - Recorded means that the UII has been entered into Web DPAS - Marked or tagged means that the UID is on the asset somewhere, either permanently marked on the asset, or with a separate tag containing the UID - Reported means that the IUID Registry contains that UII for the associated asset. 9/8/2011 DPAS Webinar Series – Web DPAS and IUID

7 Code Assigned Recorded Tagged ART X ARN ANT ANN Code Description
7/27/2011 Web DPAS Status Codes For assets with an assigned UII: Code 1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position Assigned Recorded Tagged ART X ARN ANT ANN For assets without an assigned/identified UII: The top section of this chart shows assets that have a UII, either assigned or virtual. The bottom section of this chart shows assets that have NO UII of any kind. Of these, you should note the code of NNN, this is how we get Web DPAS to assign a virtual UII to an asset. Your final goal in assigning a UII to an asset is to reach the status of ART. It is important to note that in order to dispose of or turn-in a serial accountable asset, the UII Status Code must be ART, ANT, or NDT. In order to process any loan action for an asset, the UII Status Code must be ART. Code Description NNN Assign Virtual UII NDT Not Determined DMC Does Not Meet Criteria 9/8/2011 DPAS Webinar Series – Web DPAS and IUID

8 Recording UIIs in Web DPAS
9/8/2011 Recording UIIs Recording UIIs in Web DPAS Web DPAS has the ability to associate or create UIIs for assets. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

9 There are three ways to record UIIs in Web DPAS
9/8/2011 Web DPAS There are three ways to record UIIs in Web DPAS Manually Recording Existing UIIs UII was assigned by the vendor Using a Scanner to Record UIIs UII was assigned by the Vendor Have Web DPAS Create Virtual UIIs For Legacy assets There are three ways to record UIIs in Web DPAS: Manually Using a Scanner Web DPAS Creates Virtual UIIs 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

10 Manually Recording Existing UIIs in Web DPAS
9/8/2011 Recording UIIs Manually Recording Existing UIIs in Web DPAS First, we’ll look at manually entering a UII to record it in DPAS. This is for assets that already have a UII assigned by a vendor and have been entered into the Registry. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

11 Manually Recording Existing UIIs
9/8/2011 Manually Recording Existing UIIs Step 1: From the Asset management Menu, select UII Registry Query Step 2: Enter the Asset ID Step 3: Select Search From the Web DPAS Main Menu, you will select Asset Management, then UII Registry Query. We’ve laid out the steps to accomplish the manual entry into Web DPAS of an already assigned UII – that is important. The UII must be already assigned, usually by the vendor. In Step 2 of the slide, you can either type in the Web DPAS Assed Id, or browse for it. The process we are describing works only for UIIs that are in the Registry. The process verifies from the Registry, but it does not add to the Registry. The asset would have had a UII Status Code of other than ART. The goal is to end the process with a UII Status Code of ART. In Step 3 we select the search button to locate the asset information. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

12 Manually Recording Existing UIIs
9/8/2011 Manually Recording Existing UIIs Step 4: Enter the UII Step 5: Select “Query Registry” When you select Search, the UII may populate, or you can enter it in. When you select the Query Registry button, Web DPAS automatically checks against the IUID Registry to see if a vendor or previous organization recorded the UII. If NOT, the error shown at the bottom of the screen appears. IF that happens … you are done here, and must have the vendor enter the UII into the registry or assign a virtual UII. NOTE: If the UII is not found in the Registry, you will see the following message: * 683 – UII does not exist on Registry 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

13 Manually Recording Existing UIIs
9/8/2011 Manually Recording Existing UIIs If the UII is found in the Registry, the record will appear If you are able to continue … choose whether the asset is marked or tagged. If you select not tagged, you may do that – tagging -- as part of the process you are performing now, or mark or tag the asset at a later date, e.g., at your next inventory. The point is – if the asset is tagged, we want to recognize that and record it. If the asset is NOT tagged, we need to determine how to do that. Step 6: Choose “Tagged” or “Not Tagged” 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

14 Using a Scanner to Record UIIs
9/8/2011 Record UIIs Using a Scanner to Record UIIs An alternative to the manual process is to use your AIT device to associate the Web DPAS Asset Id and the UII which has already been assigned, usually by a vendor. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

15 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner
9/8/2011 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner Part I – PDCD Setup Step 1: On the PDCD scanner, locate the “Associate UII” menu item MARK01 This process works only if the asset already has a UII mark or tag on it, and you have a Web DPAS Asset ID label. In Step 1, after you have fired up your scanner, from the DpasAit menu, select Associate UII. When the opening screen comes up as shown in Step 2, enter your User ID. Step 2: On the Associate UII screen, enter your User ID 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

16 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner
9/8/2011 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner Part II: Scanning Step 3: Scan asset ID tag Step 4: Scan UII 2-D matrix tag Step 5: Complete association scans as needed Continue to perform the step in the order shown … scan the Web DPAS Asset ID, then scan the UII. The Web DPAS Asset Id provides the reference into DPAS so that you can associate the UII. When you have completed your scans, remember … the information is stored on the scanner, nothing has been done yet. That is the next step. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

17 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner
9/8/2011 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner Part III – Web DPAS Upload Step 7: Place the scanner in the cradle and open Web DPAS Step 6: Review your entries on the PDCD Associate UII screen MARK01 The rest of this process is similar to performing an upload of a Web DPAS inventory. Review your information on the screen before proceeding with the upload. Put the scanner in the cradle which is connected to your PC. From the Web DPAS Main Menu, select AIT, then select Upload from PDCD. Step 8: From the AIT menu in Web DPAS, select Upload from PDCD 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

18 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner
9/8/2011 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner Part IV – DPAS Upload Step 9: Select Continue from the “Place PDCD in cradle…” screen Step 10: Check “Upload UII Associations” A page will appear instructing you to place the PDCD into the cradle, you would select Continue. Notice that you must check the box as shown in Step 10. When you select Upload, the process completes. Step 11: Select Upload 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

19 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner
9/8/2011 Associating UIIs Using a Scanner Part V – DPAS Upload The Transaction Status Screen is displayed You should receive a successful transaction completion screen. A report will be generated and placed in the Forms – Reports grid where you can retrieve and view it. The report is generated. This is located in the Forms-Reports menu 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

20 UII Update Assignment Process
9/8/2011 UII Update UII Update Assignment Process Next we will talk about updating the UII Status Code in Web DPAS. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

21 UII Update/Assignment
9/8/2011 UII Update/Assignment Updates to UII Sts Cds are conditional based upon the current UII Sts Cd Select the current UII Sts Cd and click the “Search” button We will use the code NDT for our example Here’s our scenario -- you just finished this webinar, and are ready to fix those assets that don’t have UIIs. One way to do that is to search on those with a status code of NDT, not determined. Remember the Reference Doc with the UII Status Cds. Please note the first bullet on the slide. What that means is: - Not all codes are available at all times … - It depends on the code you started out with … - E.g., if the UII Status Code on an asset is ARN (recorded by not tagged), the only choice you have to change it to is ART (recorded and tagged) 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

22 UII Update/Assignment
9/8/2011 UII Update/Assignment Select assets to update If you have not started assigning virtual UIIs yet, you might want to do your mass assignment by custodian or by location to limit the number of labels you have to print out and affix at a time. We like to place the warning which you find at the bottom of this screen, because this is a process with powerful capabilities. But remember, there is no “undo” button on this process! Select the asset or assets you want to update, and select Continue. Caution!!! Use this process carefully. It provides MASS Update/Assignment and IUID Registry Reporting Capability. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

23 UII Update/Assignment
9/8/2011 UII Update/Assignment If NNN is chosen, Web DPAS will assign virtual UIIs to all the selected assets and report the UIIs and required associated data to the IUID Registry Choose the appropriate selection Select Update to start the background process When you reach this screen, you have the choice of selecting a UII Status Code. As we state in the slide, if you select NNN – Assign Virtual UII – Web DPAS will assign a virtual UII to each asset selected, and will report that information to the IUID Registry. One point to remember here is that you are the ones that decide which assets get the virtual UII by selecting the NNN choice. Select the Update button and the process begins, and runs in the background. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

24 Completing the Virtual Assignment
9/8/2011 Completing the Virtual Assignment Assign Asset as NNN UII Goes to the IUID Registry Web DPAS Assigns ARN Status UII Verifies with the IUID Registry Here is the process you would follow to complete the virtual assignment. Step 1: in Web DPAS UII Update/Assignment, set the asset to a UII Sts Cd of NNN (Assign Virtual UII) Step 2: Web DPAS sends the new UII to the registry Step 3: Web DPAS updates the UII Sts Cd to ARN (Assigned, Recorded in DPAS, Not Tagged/Marked) Step 4: Web DPAS requests and receives verification that the UII is in the IUID Registry Step 5: You should print and affix a Web DPAS asset label with the UII to the asset Step 6: Return to Web DPAS UII Update Assignment and update the asset to ART (Assigned, Recorded in DPAS, Tagged/Marked) status Print and Affix the Asset label Update Asset in Web DPAS to ART 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

25 Assigning Virtual UIIs to Legacy Assets
9/8/2011 Legacy Assets Assigning Virtual UIIs to Legacy Assets Enables the entry of a UII to (IUID) Registry, while postponing the physical marking of the item Allows planners flexibility of marking asset based on logistic and economic considerations Legacy assets are existing personal property in inventory and operational use. Operational Managers – that is you! -- are also responsible for recording the IUID data in the IUID Registry for those items that meet the criteria for IUID. DPAS accomplishes this by virtual UIIs. After Web DPAS assigns the virtual UII, the UII Status Cd becomes ARN – which means a UII has been assigned, it has been recorded in Web DPAS, but it has not yet been tagged. By Web DPAS’ virtual UII assginment, the UII has also been sent to the IUID Registry. The asset can be tagged / marked at a later date – for example, at a lifecycle event like next inventory, or when you have to dispose of the asset. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

26 Web DPAS Loans Loan Via WAWF 9/8/2011 9/8/2011
Next we will talk the Web DPAS’s Loan Via WAWF process. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

27 Web DPAS Loan Options Manual DPAS to DPAS Via WAWF Web DPAS Loans
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Web DPAS Loan Options Manual Loans are manually updated in Web DPAS No outgoing notification to the IUID Registry DPAS to DPAS Both activities are using Web DPAS Web DPAS updates the IUID Registry of Custody Change Via WAWF Both activities must use WAWF WAWF must be setup to use Web DPAS as the APSR WAWF updates the IUID Registry of Custody Change 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

28 Web DPAS Loan Via WAWF Process
9/8/2011 Loan Via WAWF Web DPAS Loan Via WAWF Process Next we will talk the Web DPAS’s Loan Via WAWF process. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

29 DoD to Contractor – GFP Transfer Scenario
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – GFP Transfer Scenario This is a graphic representation of the process we are going to discuss. There is always a lot that goes on behind the scenes of such a process, and that is true here. The DPAS Loan process occurs in the area represented by the DPAS bubble on the upper left. (use the green pointer to emphasize) The numbered steps are described on the following pages. Let me first generalize about the process. We have set up Web DPAS to connect automatically with Wide Area Workflow – we’ll show you all of the prerequisites in some of the following slides. You as a Web DPAS user can “loan” an asset to another DoD or Federal Government user, or to a non-Government user of assets. We chose to use the scenario that our Navy activity has written a contract with a vendor who makes and sells chemical solvents. Our contract is to purchase a new type of solvent that can be used to clean gun turrets. The vendor is at a stage in production where he things the solvent will perform, but he needs an example of a gun turret to perform his production tests. We are sending him a turret off a ship so that he can run tests. After we crate and ship the asset, we run a loan process in Web DPAS. Web DPAS informs the contractor through WAWF that the turret is shipped, and when he receives the asset at his dock, someone receives and accepts it. He documents that in WAWF, and WAWF, through the GEX, informs the IUID Registry of the change of possession, informs Web DPAS, and informs the Contractors Accountable Property System of record. The rest of the presentation shows how all that works. Using our example, we have obtained a turret, packaged it up, arranged for shipping, and placed it on a truck to ship it off to L3 Communications Government Division. The PSN 856 Due-In Notice is generated based on our loan-out work we just completed. That is Step 2 on the chart we reviewed earlier. When L3 Communications receives our turret, their representative accepts the shipment using WAWF. That generated a PSN 856 Receipt, Step 3 on the chart. The process completes from there, with WAWF getting the receipt from the contractor and passing the information through GEX to the IUID Registry, DPAS, and the Contractor’s Accountable Property System of Record. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

30 DoD to Contractor – First Step
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – First Step Web DPAS Initiates a Loan to a Non-DPAS Contractor Web DPAS sends out information in XML format Information travels through GEX Information arrives at WAWF In reviewing the procedures, we would start in the upper left of the page, with the DPAS bubble. On the line represented by Step 1, the transaction generated by the DPAS loan travels from Web DPAS and is translated at GEX into a useable form, to be received in WAWF. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

31 DoD to Contractor – Second Step
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – Second Step WAWF Processes the Report WAWF generates a PSN 856 Due-In Notice Information travels through GEX Information arrives at the Receiving Contractor In Step 2, WAWF does its processing and sends the information to the contractor who is to receive or accept the Government-Furnished Property. Notice that we represent GEX in three different places on the chart, but that is just to represent the flow better. There is really only one GEX. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

32 DoD to Contractor – Third Step
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – Third Step Receiving Contractor Accepts PSN Contractor generates a PSN 856 Receipt Information travels through GEX, FTP or Web Interface Information arrives at WAWF In Step 3, the Contractor accepts the information about the Government-Furnished Property he is to receive, which generates a PSN 856 Receipt and returns the information to WAWF. EXPAND ON THIS: 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

33 DoD to Contractor – Fourth Step
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – Fourth Step WAWF Processes the Report WAWF passes UID and GFP information WAWF passes PSN information Information travels through GEX After WAWF receives the PSN 856 Receipt, WAWF directs information about the IUID and the property back to GEX. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

34 DoD to Contractor – Final Step
9/8/2011 DoD to Contractor – Final Step GEX Passes Information GEX passes UID and GFP information to the IUID Registry GEX passes information to Web DPAS GEX passes information back to the Contractor’s Accountable Property System of Record In the last step, GEX distributes information out to three sources. The IUID information is directed to the Registry, while the PSN 856 information is directed to DPAS and the Contractor’s Accountable Property System of Record (APSR), acknowledging the Contractor’s receipt. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

35 Associating a WAWF User Id
9/8/2011 Associating a WAWF User Id A newer responsibility within Web DPAS is to have all DPAS Users Identify themselves with WAWF. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

36 You must have a WAWF User Id associated with your Web DPAS account.
9/8/2011 WAWF User Id You must have a WAWF User Id associated with your Web DPAS account. Account must have: Shipper role Receive role Entered in My DPAS > User Info Update IF you are going to be conducting a loan of GFP to a contractor via WAWF, your DPAS User Profile will have to be populated with a valid WAWF User Id. We will describe here how works. Adding a WAWF User Id has to be done only one time. The WAWF User Id that goes in this data element DOES NOT HAVE TO BE YOURS. As of this presentation, no Agency has a specific WAWF User Id, but the person or persons that acts as the Receiver or Acceptor for WAWF for your organization can provide only their WAWF User Id (without providing you the password) and you can put that in this field. As long as it is a valid Id, WAWF will pass the transaction. If you are also the WAWF Receiver or Acceptor, you would use your own WAWF User Id. Also, please note as you enter a WAWF User Id into this field that the data element is case sensitive, so it must match exactly what is used in WAWF. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

37 Verifying Transfer Via WAWF
9/8/2011 Verifying Transfer Via WAWF Once we think that a WAWF transfer has occurred, we should check it to verify. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

38 Verify Accountable UIC/UIC is set to Transfer Via WAWF
9/8/2011 Verify Actbl UIC/UIC As we said, a few data elements must be completed correctly in order for us to proceed. Choosing Master Data / Accountable UIC/UIC from the Web DPAS Main Menu, verify that the Transfer via WAWF data element is YES for the originating UIC. If the Primary DoDAAC displayed is not the DoDAAC you wish to use, you may need to review a Secondary DoDAAC. Whether you are using the Primary or Secondary DoDAAC, the field that is called Transfer Via WAWF must show YES, as described on the next slide. Verify Accountable UIC/UIC is set to Transfer Via WAWF 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

9/8/2011 Verify UIC DODAAC/CAGE Verify UIC DODAAC/CAGE is set to Transfer Via WAWF The secondary DODAAC cannot be updated. If the Transfer Via WAWF needs to be updated, the DODAAC will need to be deleted and recreated. Checking the UIC DoDAAC/CAGE is a bit different. For this, select Master Data / UIC DoDAAC/CAGE from the Web DPAS Main Menu. Enter a UIC to review, select Search, and from your list of DoDAACs and CAGE codes, select the blue hyperlink of the UIC next to the DoDAAC or CAGE you wish to review. A details page similar to the one shown here will display. These are all secondary DoDAACs and CAGE codes. If the transfer via WAWF field is “NO” and you intended to use that DoDAAC/CAGE, the note on this slide applies. This page in Web DPAS cannot be edited. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

40 Verify Loan CAGE (LC) Address is Transfer Via WAWF
9/8/2011 Verify Address As you will see in the following slides, one of the requirements for loaning / transferring assets to a non-Government organization is an address for the contractor. In this case, the address would be LC. The address has to reflect that the commercial activity has the ability to transfer via WAWF, as shown in the highlighted data element on this slide. Only if the Governmental DoDAAC (primary or secondary) AND the Address have the Transfer Via WAWF set to Yes will the transaction be processed through WAWF. Verify Loan CAGE (LC) Address is Transfer Via WAWF 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

41 GFP Loan Setup in Web DPAS
9/8/2011 GFP Loan Setup in Web DPAS 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

42 DPAS GFP Setup Requirements
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup DPAS GFP Setup Requirements Build Contractor Record Master Data → Contractor Contains Company Information Build Contract Record Master Data → Contract Contract Type = GFP Build Contractor Address for Shipment Master Data → Address LC – CAGE Type Address This slide describes the three major steps required in order to process Web DPAS assets as GFP. First you must establish the contractor, then designate a contract which the contractor holds. Third is to designate the address for shipment for the contractor. We’ll show these processes in the next few slides. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

43 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup Building the Contractor record is the first step necessary in DPAS to properly track assets as GFP. To create a Contractor record, navigate to Master Data > Contractor. From this slide you can see that you will start at the Web DPAS Main Menu, select Master Data and select Contractor. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

44 To complete the Contractor Search Criteria page:
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup To complete the Contractor Search Criteria page: Verify the correct Accountable UIC is listed Enter the Contractor’s CAGE code Important! The CAGE code must be valid; you can find it on the face of the Contract The CAGE Cd must be valid in WAWF Select the Add button If you are familiar with Web DPAS, you know that if you do not put a CAGE into the field, you can still conduct a Search and Web DPAS will return all of the available CAGE Cds for the Accountable UIC. If you wanted to add a new contractor, you would complete the steps described at the bottom of the slide. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

45 When completing the Contractor Add page:
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup The Add page provides you a place to record all of the information pertaining to the Contractor. Please see the description at the bottom of the slide. When completing the Contractor Add page: Use the contract information to populate as much of this screen as possible. Select the Add button to process the record. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

46 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup We are working from a scenario in which we have a contract for the development of a special cleaning solvent. We just completed the information in Web DPAS for the contractor that will be doing the development of the product. Now we are documenting in Web DPAS information about the contract for that development. Again, start at the Web DPAS Main Menu, select Master Data, and select Contract. After creating a Contractor in DPAS, we must create the Contract record awarded for the development of the cleaning solvent. To create a Contract record, we must navigate to Master Data > Contract. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

47 When completing the Contract Search Criteria page:
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup When completing the Contract Search Criteria page: Verify “G” is selected for the Contract Use Code. Select the appropriate Contract Type Code. Enter the Contract Number from the contract. Select the corresponding Contractor. In this scenario, we select “L3 COMM GOVT” Select the Add button As I stated a few minutes ago, if you did not have all of the information available to you, you might do a Search by putting as much information that you have available, and pick the appropriate contract from the list returned from the search. For a new contract, all fields must be completed on the Search Criteria page, as described in the notes at the bottom of the slide. When you have selected the ADD button, you will get the data entry screen that follows. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

48 Enter the Contract Start and End Dates.
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup On the slide we show completing all of the mandatory fields, indicated with an asterisk, but it might be to your advantage to complete as many of the fields as you can. Then the information will be available to you should you need it later. Enter the Contract Start and End Dates. Enter the Issuing Office DoDAAC. Enter the Contract Admin DoDAAC. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

49 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup As a third step in our preparations for moving assets from Government ownership out to a contractor, we set up the contractor’s address information. From the Web DPAS Main Menu, select Master Data, then Address. The next step in the process is to build the contractor address where the asset will be delivered. To create an Address record, we must navigate to Master Data > Address. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

50 When completing the Address Search Criteria page:
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup When completing the Address Search Criteria page: Verify the correct UIC is listed Select an Address Type of LC-Loan – CAGE Select the Add button The reason you are searching using the LC Address type is that you know you are dealing with a commercial entity, not a Government activity that would have a DoDAAC. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

51 On the Address Add page:
9/8/2011 Web DPAS Setup You will notice that most of the data elements on this slide are mandatory, but it is worth mentioning again that filling in the screen as completely as possible may help you later should you need the information. Since we would like to direct this process out to WAWF, we set the Transfer Via WAWF to Yes. On the Address Add page: Complete as much information as possible about the contractor’s address. Select the Add button to process the record. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

52 Assigning Assets as GFP
9/8/2011 Assigning Assets as GFP 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

53 Assigning Assets as GFP
9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS Assigning Assets as GFP Associate Asset w/ authorized Contract Asset Management > Update Use Loan Cd = C – Out to Non-Govt Activity Must Have UII Assigned/Tagged/ (ART Status) Must be verified with the IUID Registry Just as we had steps to complete before we could begin assigning assets as GFP, now we have steps to do the assignment. Please read the information on this slide. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

54 9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS All our preliminary work is completed; now it is time to actually move an asset from the Government side to in possession of a Contractor. The first step in assigning GFP is to navigate to Asset Management > Update. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

55 On the Search Criteria page: Enter the Asset Id.
9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS You have a few choices here to identify the asset, but the Asset Id field is the best choice. Since we know the asset, we enter its Asset Id and select the Search button. On the Search Criteria page: Enter the Asset Id. Select the Search button to locate the asset in the system. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

56 The UII has been verified with the IUID Registry.
9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS On the Search Results page we have located the asset and can take note of a couple of key fields. Notice the Loan Code is currently “G” - This indicates the asset is currently Government owned. We can also see the UII Status Code is ART - This asset is ready to be assigned as GFP so we select the record and click the Continue button. The UII has been verified with the IUID Registry. You may remember from previous Webinars or other training that you have taken, that in order for an asset to be transferred, excessed or disposed, the UII Status code must be ART, meaning that a UII has been assigned, recorded in DPAS, and the asset has been tagged or marked. The other two highlighted data elements illustrate two other pre-requisites, that we start out with a Government-owned asset, with a Loan Code = G, and the UII has been verified with the IUID Registry. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

57 The Selected Rows page offers three actions.
9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS We are dealing only with the Loan Update process now, so we choose that radio button and select the Continue button. The other two choices for updates are described in our on-line training and may be the topic of other Webinars. The Selected Rows page offers three actions. We will choose the Loan Update action and select the Continue button. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

58 9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS You will see on the next slide one of the features that makes Web DPAS helpful for your processes. When you select C – Out on Loan to Non-Govt Acty, the Web DPAS screen redraws with data elements that are necessary and helpful for that Loan Code category, but were not needed for Government-Owned assets. When the Asset Update – Loan Change page first displays, the Loan Code is “G” We need to update the status of the asset to “C-Out on Loan to Non-Govt Acty” 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

59 9/8/2011 GFP in Web DPAS Please notice from our example that we have completed all of the mandatory fields, but also some of the optional fields, too, in order to provide complete information. Note that the Loan Code is populated with C-Out on Loan to a Non-Government Activity. That opens up the Loan Address on the lower portion of the screen. You would also add the contract number which provides the information about the contract in the middle of the page. Other data elements you must make sure are cared for: The document number is mandatory, and so is the shipment date. Notice in the upper right, the system calls for your DoDAAC or a CAGE code, depending on who is originating the action. In our example, you would need to provide your DoDAAC in this field.8 We are saying here that the turret we are sending to the contractor is on its way (or may have already arrived). When you select the Update button at the bottom of the page, Web DPAS will start the process that was illustrated by the earlier chart. We won’t go into detailed slides on the rest of the process, because you should never see it, but here is what happens next. Several fields on the Asset Update – Loan Change page must be completed prior to processing the asset as GFP. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

60 9/8/2011 Returning GFP Via WAWF 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

61 When an asset is ready to be returned:
9/8/2011 Loan Return When an asset is ready to be returned: Contractor uses WAWF Shipment to create a “Contractor to DOD” transfer Government WAWF user accepts the asset by using the Property Receiver process Web DPAS user will process the Loan Return from the Pending Transactions process At some time in the future, the asset will need to be returned to the Government. To accomplish this, the Contractor will use WAWF’s Property Shipper process to create a “Contractor to DOD” transfer. That transaction will appear in the Government WAWF Receiver folder. The Government WAWF user will process the receipt of the asset within WAWF. The receipt is then forwarded on to Web DPAS where it is available from the Pending Transaction – Loan Return process 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

62 9/8/2011 Returning GFP Via WAWF The returning functionality is currently experiencing issues in our test environment, so images of the process are unavailable. The process will be similar to the Government – Contractor process, but in reverse. The Contractor would do all the packaging and shipping, and initiate the electronic paperwork in WAWF. The Government representative will receive a due-in notice and when the asset is received and accepted, will sign off in WAWF and the receipt will be generated. The Registry and accountable property systems of record will also be notified. DISCLAIMER: This process has worked in the past in the testing environment. It seems to not work right now. We believe that it does work in the production environment. 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

63 9/8/2011 Review 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

64 Must have a WAWF User Id associated to your Web DPAS account
9/8/2011 Review Must have a WAWF User Id associated to your Web DPAS account Verify Web DPAS is setup to Transfer Via WAWF Actbl UIC/UIC UIC DODAC/CAGE Address Setup for GFP Create a Contractor Create a Contract Create a Loan CAGE (LC) Address Verify Asset is Ready To Be Loaned Must be Loan Cd of “G” Must Have UII Assigned/Tagged/ (ART Status) Must be verified with the IUID Registry If we are going to use WAWF in the loan of GFP, there are some actions we have to take in Web DPAS. These steps are summarized in this slide. You might keep this slide as a reference for later use. (LEAVE THIS SLIDE ON-SCREEN FOR PEOPLE TO READ.) 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

65 For Additional Training
9/8/2011 Additional Training For Additional Training Web DPAS Training Webinar Archive at Wide Area Workflow Government Furnished Property Defense Acquisition University course CLC051 Section 889 – Managing Government Property in the Possession of Contractors IUID DPAP – Defense Procurement Website Defense Acquisition University ( CLM 200 – Item Unique Identification CLE IUID Marking 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

66 For More Information Columbus Call Center
9/8/2011 For More Information Columbus Call Center DSN Comm Toll Free Training (Online, Instructor led, Webinar) DPAS eLearning DPAS Support Site 9/8/2011 Web DPAS Loans Via WAWF

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