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Personality Poster Objective: Create a fun, cute, creative poster to describe your personality to others and answer the questions on the bottom of your.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality Poster Objective: Create a fun, cute, creative poster to describe your personality to others and answer the questions on the bottom of your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality Poster Objective: Create a fun, cute, creative poster to describe your personality to others and answer the questions on the bottom of your personality quiz handout. Start with describing each letter and then answer questions around the letters with short phrases and pictures! Be creative! The more research you include the better your grade! Don’t forget to use the following websites: Rubric Points Available Points Earned Grade Creativity 30 Research 40 Time Used Wisely

the healer What I Learned I Mrs. Clay *One-on-one conversations *enjoys focusing on a project *needs private time to reflect *use personal feelings to make decisions *inventing new possibilities is automatic important Traits/characteristics N F JOBS IDEAL FOR MY PERSONALITY *decision through emotion *sensitive to feelings of others P *flexible *spontaneous *creative *multitasks KNOWING YOUR PERSONALITY WILL HELP BUSINESSES RUN MORE EFFECTIVELY BY…

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