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Oh Canada! Eh??!!. Oh Canada! Eh??!! July 1st is Canada Day! The Prime Minister greets Canadians at the capital.

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Presentation on theme: "Oh Canada! Eh??!!. Oh Canada! Eh??!! July 1st is Canada Day! The Prime Minister greets Canadians at the capital."— Presentation transcript:


2 Oh Canada! Eh??!!

3 July 1st is Canada Day! The Prime Minister greets Canadians at the capital.

4 Red and white is a MUST!

5 The country gets lit up with fireworks….

6 Victoria Day is May 24.

7 Canadians celebrate their favourite Queen…


9 Canada has fertile land and lots of water access…..


11 Some agricultural expertise….

12 Farmers on the prairies produce….
Wheat…. ….and beef.

13 Salmon runs on the west coast…
….and there’s nothing like east coast seafood

14 Canadians eat three meals a day
Breakfast Lunch

15 And dinner…the MAIN meal

16 Many Canadian favourites are unhealthy…

17 And 20-50% of Canadians weigh more than they should…

18 Staple Foods

19 Canada’s a multicultural country….

20 So there isn’t really a standard Canadian diet….


22 If you’re visiting Canada…..don’t miss….

23 Niagara Falls!!!!!

24 Works Cited


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