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Keeping in mind what we have been talking about in class, what is this political cartoon trying to say (what is “it”):

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping in mind what we have been talking about in class, what is this political cartoon trying to say (what is “it”):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping in mind what we have been talking about in class, what is this political cartoon trying to say (what is “it”):

2 The New Deal 15.4/16.1

3 Response to the GD Congress passed the Hawley-Smoot tariff, the highest import tax in history. Make foreign goods more expensive so people buy American Public opinion soured for Hoover called the Army to disband a protest of unemployed WWI veterans called the Bonus Army.

4 Franklin Roosevelt Believed that government had a
responsibility to help people in need. -His election in 1932 changed how the government would serve the people Much of his support came from urban workers, coal miners, and immigrants in need of federal relief. Knew restoring a sense of hope and building public confidence were essential to calming panic and creating support

5 Roosevelt as President
FDR promised “a new deal for the American people” New Deal-plan for the relief, recovery, and reform programs of FDR that were aimed at ending the Great Depression. In the first 100 days of his presidency, FDR pushed many programs to provide relief, create jobs, and stimulate the economy.

6 Activity- Pair-Share-Turn to someone next to you and have one person explain what the “New Deal” was.

7 The New Deal -restore public confidence in the nation’s banks.
-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure bank deposits. Stabilizing Financial Institutions Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). FERA put money into public works programs, government-funded projects to build public facilities and create jobs. Providing Relief and Creating Jobs National Recovery Administration (NRA), established codes for fair business practices (regulated wages, working conditions, prices, and set a minimum wage) Regulating the Economy The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) worked to improve housing standards and conditions, and insure mortgages. Assisting Home-owners

8 The Second New Deal New Deal failed to bring about significant economic improvement critics began to attack the programs FDR launched an even bolder set of programs The Second New Deal included more social welfare benefits, stricter controls over business, stronger support for unions, and higher taxes on the rich.

9 The Second New Deal New agencies attacked unemployment.
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) employed more than 8 million workers, building or improving playgrounds, schools, hospitals, and airfields. Brought electricity to rural America. offered loans for building power plants and extending power lines.

10 The Second New Deal Wagner Act-legalized union practices
Closed shops are jobs open only to union members. The Social Security Act established the Social Security system to provide financial security for people who could not support themselves. Old-age pensions and survivors’ benefits Unemployment insurance

11 *Legacy of the New Deal*
Offered hope to the American people in the toughest of times.

12 Activity Complete the New Deal Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer
List the specific programs as well as the general purpose of each New Deal On the back of the Venn Diagram, write whether or not you think the New Deal programs were successful or unsuccessful overall. Support your answer with examples.

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