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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2001 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Final Jeopardy Round 1

4 Using Evidence Ecosystems Interactions Distribution Succession Consequences $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 Living things are called
$100 Living things are called

6 $100 Biotic Scores

7 Water is an example of this kind of factor
$200 Water is an example of this kind of factor

8 $200 Abiotic Scores

9 $300 Leeches suck blood from humans for food. This is an example of this kind of symbiotic relationship.

10 $300 Parasitism Scores

11 $400 Barnacles live on whales so they can get food easier. They do not harm the whales. This is an example of this type of symbiotic relationship.

12 $400 Commensalism Scores

13 Landfills added this to line their bottoms.
$500 Landfills added this to line their bottoms.

14 $500 Clay Scores

15 Carbon dioxide is a product of this process
$100 Carbon dioxide is a product of this process

16 $100 Cellular respiration

17 $200 These types of animals prefer to feed on animals that have already died

18 $200 Scavengers Scores

19 There are more of these than herbivores in ecosystems.
$300 There are more of these than herbivores in ecosystems.

20 $300 Producers Scores

21 Daily Double

22 Arrows in food chains represent this
$400 Arrows in food chains represent this

23 $400 Energy flow Scores

24 The water cycle includes: evaporation, precipitation and this.
$500 The water cycle includes: evaporation, precipitation and this.

25 $500 Condensation Scores

26 $100 If I brought a tree home from Mexico and planted it in our schoolyard, it would be an example of this.

27 $100 Bioinvasion Scores

28 $200 In competition, animals compete for resources, like water, that are in this quantity.

29 $200 Limited quantity Scores

30 $300 True or false. Distribution of abiotic and biotic factors are always evenly spaced.

31 $300 False Scores

32 $400 The population changes in predator and prey relationships can be described by this “c” word

33 $400 Cyclical or cycle Scores

34 In a relationship between lynx and hares. This is the predator.
$500 In a relationship between lynx and hares. This is the predator.

35 $500 Lynx Scores

36 All ecosystems start with this
$100 All ecosystems start with this

37 $100 Pioneer species Scores

38 Life can grow during primary succession once it has this
$200 Life can grow during primary succession once it has this

39 $200 Soil Scores

40 $300 A stable community that has a diverse numbers of species is called this.

41 $300 Climax community Scores

42 Secondary succession starts after this
$400 Secondary succession starts after this

43 $400 Natural disaster Scores

44 This type of succession can happen more than once in one area
$500 This type of succession can happen more than once in one area

45 $500 Secondary succession

46 This chemical is famous for being a very harmful pesticide
$100 This chemical is famous for being a very harmful pesticide

47 $100 DDT Scores

48 DDT hurt animals higher in the food chain because of this concept
$200 DDT hurt animals higher in the food chain because of this concept

49 $200 Biomagnification Scores

50 Dinosaurs and dodo birds are this.
$300 Dinosaurs and dodo birds are this.

51 $300 Extinct Scores

52 Animals that are almost extinct are called this.
$400 Animals that are almost extinct are called this.

53 $400 Endangered Scores

54 With human help, endangered species can be downgraded to this list.
$500 With human help, endangered species can be downgraded to this list.

55 $500 Threatened Scores

56 Humans knew that the Peregrine Falcon was endangered because of this.
$100 Humans knew that the Peregrine Falcon was endangered because of this.

57 $100 Observation or Studies Evidence

58 True or false. Science can solve all of Earth’s problems.
$200 True or false. Science can solve all of Earth’s problems.

59 $200 False Scores

60 $300 The ecological footprint of Canadians is what compared to the rest of the world.

61 $300 Bigger Scores

62 $400 Comparing ecological footprints, scientists know that we are using resources in this way.

63 $400 Nonsustainable Scores

64 $500 Reducing our garbage and water use would do this to our ecological footprint.

65 $500 Lower or Make smaller Scores

66 Final Jeopardy Question
Food Webs Final Jeopardy Question Scores

67 Pesticides are sprayed on a farmers field
Pesticides are sprayed on a farmers field. Where in the food chain will this most negatively affect? Why?

68 The top of the food chain
Biomagnification Scores

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