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Hallucinogens TYPES: Marijuana, LSD, PCP, Peyote/Mescaline, Psilocybin

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Presentation on theme: "Hallucinogens TYPES: Marijuana, LSD, PCP, Peyote/Mescaline, Psilocybin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hallucinogens TYPES: Marijuana, LSD, PCP, Peyote/Mescaline, Psilocybin
Hallucinogens - cause distortions of reality, particularly with sight, smell, and touch. They induce a state of excitation of the central nervous system, causing mood swings, usually euphoric, but sometimes severely depressed or violent. Under the influence of hallucinogens, the senses of direction, distance and time are distorted. A user may “hear” colors or “see” sounds. If enough is taken hallucinogens produce delusions and visual hallucinations. The common danger of hallucinogens is impaired judgment, leading to rash decisions and accidents. Acute anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness are common until the effects wear off. Occasionally, depersonalization and depression are so severe that suicide is possible. Long after the drugs are eliminated from the body, users may experience flashbacks - small recurrences of the psychedelic effects - or vivid recollections of a portion of a previous hallucinogenic experience - Essentially, flashbacks are very intense and very frightening day dreams. Flashbacks can occur weeks, months or years after the last encounter with the drug. Signs of Hallucinogen use: Dilated pupils, sweating/perspiration, body odor Change in body temperature high or lower Garbled speech Elevated heart rate and blood pressure Aggressive behavior, mood and behavior changes

2 LSD Chemical name - Lysergic acid diethylamide
Street names - A, acid, Microdot, dot, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Sunshine, Vacation, Zen Body - detectable for at least hours LSD is the most powerful known hallucinogen. It is derived from the ergot fungus that grows on rye. It was first synthesized in 1938; the effects were discovered in 1943 when Albert Hoffman accidently took some. It is generally taken orally but can be inhaled or injected or liquid can be put into eyes. Bad trips cause fear, anxiety, depression, feelings of losing one’s identity, disintegrating into nothingness, and that there is no reality. Cases of suicide, violent & hazardous behavior including accidental (sometimes bizarre) fatalities, homicide, and self-mutilations have been reported. BABIES - women who use LSD during pregnancy have higher risk of miscarriage and congenital abnormalities. Some studies link LSD to chromosome damage but research has not been confirmed.


4 PCP Chemical name - Phencyclidine
Street names - angel dust, supergrass, killer weed, embalming fluid, rocket fuel, sherms, Hog, Lovely Body - detectable 2-8 days Phencyclidine was investigated in the 1950's as a possible human anesthetic. It was available as veterinary medicine in the 1960's. In 1978 all legal manufacturing was stopped. Now, most if not all PCP produced in the U.S. is from secret labs. In its pure form PCP is a white crystalline powder that readily dissolves in water. Most PCP produced in the labs is contaminated causing the color to range from tan to brown and consistency to range from a powder to a liquid to a gummy boogery mass. In its liquid form it looks like apple juice. If someone is under the influence of PCP they may show many of the same signs as LSD use, such as appearing detached from reality or estranged from their surroundings. Other symptoms include rapid and involuntary eye movement, an exaggerated walk, numbness, violent mood swings, slurred speech, and super-human strength.

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