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Gwybodaeth cyffredinol General information

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1 Gwybodaeth cyffredinol General information
Uned 2 / Unit 2 Gwybodaeth cyffredinol General information

2 Asseiniad dan rheOlaeth / Controlled assignment
Thema yn newid yn flynyddol Thema eleni ar wefan OCR Rhaid dilyn yr aseiniad mae OCR wedi ei osod. Gall y thema ei newid dipyn bach i fod yn fwy lleol os rydych yn dymuno Theme changes yearly Current theme on OCR website You must follow the set assignment that OCR has set. You may change it slightly for a more local theme if you wish.

3 Canllawiau gan OCR - defnyddio templedi OCR Guidelines on using templates
Ni ddylai fod thema benodol, sy’n arwain y plant i gwblhau'r dasg Mae OCR yn caniatáu llyfrynnau gwaith ar gyfer casglu tystiolaeth o sgiliau sydd yn anodd ei gasglu fel arfer e.e. argraffiad sgrin o sut i ddefnyddio cysill a.y.y.b. Enghreifftiau o dempledi mae OCR yn caniatáu ydy log llyfrau ymchwilio, a log casglu tystiolaeth er mwyn hwyluso'r asesu. They should not be theme specific and should not lead the pupils to complete the set assignment OCR does allow the use of workbooks for the collection of skills in the aid of assessment e.g. print screens of using the spell checker etc.. Examples that OCR has given are search logs which helps with the assessment.

4 Canllawiau gan OCR OCR Guidelines
“You are not permitted to supply your candidate with any templates/writing frames specifically designed to aid them in completing assignment tasks. This is a standard JCQ requirement. However, there are a number of generic documents for ICT that candidates might find templates for. These include source/asset lists, test tables and storyboards. These may have been used during teaching/learning for the unit (or other units) or might be found by candidates on the internet, as you say. There is no reason why candidates cannot use these generic templates, if this is their own choice. However, they must be generic and must not be tailored to their task in any way.” Anne Kelsall OCR Cambridge Nationals Chief Examiner 17/9/2013 Rydym wedicysylltu ag OCR a disgrifio be ydy ein “llyfryn gwaith” a roeddent yn hapus i ni ddefnyddio’r log i asesu gwaith y plant gyda'r grid asesu a hefyd gosod meini prawf o lawlyfr manyleb, ar ffurf PowerPoint, er mwyn hwyluso'r broses asesu. Roeddent yn pwysleisio fod rhaid i’r llyfryn gwaith fod yn ‘generig’ a ddim yn dasg benodol a rydym yn rhoi gwybodaeth yn y llyfryn gwaith i helpu'r plant, sydd ar gael o grid asesu OCR - hwn wedi ei osod allan mewn dull hwylus i’r plant allu hunan asesu eu gwaith ac ateb meini prawf y cwrs. Rhif Cyfeirnod: /7/2013

5 Canllawiau gan OCR OCR Guidelines
“You are not permitted to supply your candidate with any templates/writing frames specifically designed to aid them in completing assignment tasks. This is a standard JCQ requirement. However, there are a number of generic documents for ICT that candidates might find templates for. These include source/asset lists, test tables and storyboards. These may have been used during teaching/learning for the unit (or other units) or might be found by candidates on the internet, as you say. There is no reason why candidates cannot use these generic templates, if this is their own choice. However, they must be generic and must not be tailored to their task in any way.” Anne Kelsall OCR Cambridge Nationals Chief Examiner 17/9/2013 We have phoned OCR and described that our workbooks are assessment workbooks which are generic and only includes headings from the specification layout in a friendly way for pupils to self asses. They were happy for us to use Microsoft PowerPoint to collect the evidence and include titles on top of each page which is directly from the OCR assessment sheets. They pointed out that the workbooks must be generic and not topic specific and give too much help which would not normally be available to other candidates. Rhif Cyfeirnod: /7/2013

6 Llyfryn gwaith asesu / Assessment workbooks
Fel yr hen gyfres o lyfrynnau gwaith /Similar to the old set of workbooks Amrediad o wahanol lyfrynnau gwaith i chi dewis i ddefnyddio yn penderfynu ar y thema / Wide range of workbooks for you to select to use depending on the theme

7 Grid asesu / Assessment grid
Dim ond cymorth i asesu ydy’r grid, cofiwch ddefnyddio llyfryn OCR er mwyn gwneud yr asesiad terfynol This is only a simplified version of the assessment grid. Always use the OCR official grid for the final assessment.

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