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Presentation on theme: "INFRARED SPECTRA OF ANIONIC COBALT-CARBON DIOXIDE CLUSTERS"— Presentation transcript:

B. J. Knurr & J. Mathias Weber June 19, 2014

2 Motivation: Prior results on transition metal-CO2 complex anions:
Au and Ag form formate-like complexes involving only one CO2 ligand CO2 is partially reduced in these complexes, reduction depends strongly on solvation.  Important implications for CO2 reduction catalysis!!! B. J. Knurr & JMW, JACS 134 (2012) 18804−18808 B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A 117 (2013) 10764–10771 Cartoon representation of a negatively charged metal catalyst supported on a thin film with liquid CO2 as a solvnet The negative charge is replenished by the metal electrode [AuCO2]-

3 What about other interesting transition metals?

4 What about other interesting transition metals?
Electron configurations: Au: [Xe] (4f)14 (5d)10 (6s)1 Ag: [Kr] (4d)10 (5s)1 Cu: [Ar] (3d)10 (4s)1 Co: [Ar] (4s)2 (3d)7 Ni: [Ar] (4s)2 (3d)8 What will be the effect of a drastic change in electron configuration? Cobalt, Nickel New chemistry???

5 Experimental Method: IR Photodissociation
cluster + h

6 Experimental Method: IR Photodissociation
cluster + h hot cluster

7 Experimental Method: IR Photodissociation
cluster + h hot cluster

8 Experimental Method: IR Photodissociation
cluster + h hot cluster fragments

9 Experimental Setup Nd:YAG IR-OPO/OPA electron gun 600 – 4500 cm-1
mJ / 5 ns IR-OPO/OPA mass gate power meter ion source

10 Experimental Setup [M·(CO2)n]- Metal CO2
Ion source: laser vaporization & entrainment electron beam [M·(CO2)n]- Metal 355 nm Not spectators Say evaporate CO2 from the cluster CO2

11 IR Spectra of [Au(CO2)n]-
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 B. J. Knurr & JMW, JACS 134 (2012) 18804−18808

12 [Co(CO2)n]- [Co(CO2)n]- clusters
charge carrier solvent [Co(CO2)n]- clusters Fragments observed only for n ≥ 3  first two CO2 units are strongly bound to the metal atom No significant change in dominant IR signatures  No change of dominant structural motif with increasing cluster size B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

13 [Co(CO2)n]- [Co(CO2)n]- clusters – Structures
B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

14 [Co(CO2)n]- [Co(CO2)n]- clusters – Structures Exp., n= 3
Lowest energy (insertion) structure is not the dominant motif. “Butterfly” structures give best fit to experimental spectrum. B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

15 [Co(CO2)n]- [Co(CO2)n]- clusters – Structures Exp., n=4
Lowest energy (insertion) structure is not the dominant motif. “Butterfly” structures give best fit to experimental spectrum. Calculated spectra corroborate robustness w.r. to solvation. Calculated partial charges: Co  +1; CO2  -1 B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

16 d-orbitals in isolated metal atom d-block in octahedral complex t2g eg
Interactions of the d-block in octahedral transition metal complexes (Oh) d-orbitals in isolated metal atom d-block in octahedral complex t2g eg From: Yves Jean “Molecular Orbitals of Transition Metal Complexes”

17 Interactions of the d-block in transition metal complexes
Square-planar complexes (D4h) eg 3a1 b2 b2 a2 1a1 t2g

18 [Co(CO2)n]- 3a1 b2 a2 1a1 2a1 B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

19 [Co(CO2)n]- B. J. Knurr & JMW, J. Phys. Chem. A (2014), in press

20 Conclusions Co complexes with CO2 show bidentate metal-ligand interactions with M-C and M-O bonds Electronic structure: monovalent metal cation bound to anionic CO2 ligands

21 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Dramatis Personae NSF AMO PFC Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship NSF CAREER Award

22 Thank you for your attention


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