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English 10- 9/4/18 What is the difference between critical thinking and non-critical thinking? “Doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains!” - “Pull yourself.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10- 9/4/18 What is the difference between critical thinking and non-critical thinking? “Doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains!” - “Pull yourself."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /4/18 What is the difference between critical thinking and non-critical thinking? “Doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains!” - “Pull yourself together!” Palindrome - word or passage that reads the same forward as backward, e.g. “borrow or rob”, “never odd or even.” Goals – Practice non-critical thinking. Inquiry approach - Think/Puzzle/Explore the concept of a motto. Analyze and discuss the poem “Motto.” Read and annotate grading system. Homework – Write a small poem about your own “Motto.” POINTS will be assigned. Complete any written work from class that you didn’t have time to finish. Don’t forget to study for Vocab 1 on Thursday.

2 English 10- 9/5/18 Do you believe that intelligence is fixed and unchangeable or that a person can become more intelligent over time? How many University of Washington freshmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. A concept in nuclear planning. Goals – Producing Questions – group activity. Explore into the nature of fixed versus growth mindsets. Taking notes and annotating an article. Discuss viewpoints using inquiry process. Can you make this information work for you? Homework – Read and annotate “Welcome…” handout. Points will be assigned. Complete any written work from class that you didn’t have time to finish. Don’t forget to study for Vocab 1 tomorrow. Answer: None, that's a senior course

3 English 10- 9/6/18 Five minutes to study for Week 1 quiz.
Why not say “288” in conversation? Cuffuffle – irritation, agitation, dithering. Goals – Successfully complete the week 1 quiz. Begin study of week 2 vocabulary. Producing Questions – group activity. Homework - Complete any written work from class that you didn’t have time to finish. Checking Dailies next Tuesday. Begin Studying Week 2 vocabulary. Because it is two gross!

4 English 10- How comfortable are you doing work on the computer? What obstacles do you have to completing work on the computer? How many twins does it take to change a light bulb? BOLTOP – Better On Lips Than On Paper. Add it to SWAK if you mean business! Goals – annotating the article on mental courage. Homework – two

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