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2 Each group will be given two bags of plastic interlocking blocks
Each group will be given two bags of plastic interlocking blocks. Use one of the bags to build a structure. You should use all of the pieces in the bag. Your goal is to complete a pre-lab, keeping in mind to develop procedures for assembling the unique structure you have made. The procedures that you develop should be written so that other students can read them and use them to assemble a structure identical to your original model. You may use pictures, diagrams, and arrows to illustrate your procedures at each step.

3 Your procedures should be outlined as discrete steps, and you should avoid using specialized and technical terms that would be unfamiliar to a majority of students in the class. You will be given 10 minutes to write your procedures and then you will give your notebook and other bag to another group. Each group will have 10 minutes to assemble the new structure by following the procedures that they were given.

4 Partner: Your partner’s name Title: Lego Lab Purpose:
11 Date: Today’s date Partner: Your partner’s name Title: Lego Lab Purpose: Materials: Safety: Diagram: Class Notes To make a unique structure from lego blocks &then write proper procedures that will allow another lab group to make this same structure . Materials: try to keep alphabetical 2 bags of Lego blocks with same pieces 3-18 Be responsible, prepared, listen to instructions, have teacher present, follow procedures, observe good house keeping, id safety equipment location, be alert, wash hands after lab, clean lab area, return equipment, and monitor experiment at all times. 27. Report all accidents. Safety: Obtain from safety contract, okay to keep short, but to the point NOT EVERY LAB HAS A HYPO, I will tell you when to write one…… Not necessary

5 1.Beaker should be filled with ¾ of H2O.
Class Notes 12 Proper procedures are essential in completing a lab correctly. It is necessary to refine and develop your procedure writing skills. It is important to note that when you complete your pre-lab section, your procedures will state what you should be doing. For example, Procedures: 1.Beaker should be filled with ¾ of H2O. 2.Copper should be added to the beaker. When you write your procedures for your lab report, the procedures will then be written in past tense. 1. Beaker was filled with ¾ of water. 2.  Copper was added to beaker. Procedures Observations 1. Smallest blue block should be placed at the bottom. None 2. Smallest red block should be attached to the right side of blue block. A right angle was formed.

6 Remember You will be given 10 minutes to write your procedures & then you will give your notebook & other bag to another group. Each group will have 10 minutes to assemble the new structure by following the procedures that they were given.

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