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The End of the Cold War.

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1 The End of the Cold War

2 The Soviet Union Declines
Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev struck down attempts at independence Economy stagnates – produce unwanted goods; no money to keep up in defense spending “Vietnam” in Afghanistan – modernizers vs. Muslim conservatives (mujahedin)

3 Gorbachev – comes to power in 1985; wanted reform; glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring); all reforms led to collapse End of an empire – By 1991 – Baltic states gained independence and 12 independent nations are formed

4 Changes Transform Eastern Europe
Hungary – start with economic reforms then allow greater freedoms Poland – Solidarity movement (independent labor union) East Germany – not willing to change, but looking for ways to get to the West

5 Czechoslovakia – 1992 splits into 2; Slovakia and Czech Republic
1989 – Wall comes down and elections take place

6 Communism Declines Around the World
China – reform the economy but not politics Vietnam - relations with US and tourism North Korea – Isolation Cuba – economy deteriorated

7 US as Sole Superpower With fall of Soviet Union, United States is left as the one with the military power Should we be “the world’s policeman”? Mixed reaction – do we protect freedom or scare people?

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