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PowerPoint® Lecture Slides prepared by Agnes Yard

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1 PowerPoint® Lecture Slides prepared by Agnes Yard
C h a p t e r 2 The Cell PowerPoint® Lecture Slides prepared by Agnes Yard and Michael Yard Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

2 Which cellular attachments are abundant in cardiac muscle, where they are essential for the coordination of muscle cell contractions? a. tight junctions b. anchoring junctions c. adhesion belts d. communicating junctions Answer: D

3 In epithelial tissue undergoing a dynamic change, which form of intercellular attachment is responsible for connecting intracellular microfilaments to protein fibers of the basal lamina? a. zonula adherens b. intercellular cement c. focal adhesions d. macula adherens Answer: C

4 Which of the following organelles is/are considered to be nonmembranous?
a. rough ER b. ribosomes c. Golgi apparatus d. lysosome Answer: B

5 Which of the following cells are multinucleate?
a. cardiac muscle cells b. skeletal muscle cells c. mature red cells d. a and b Answer: B

6 In which process do carrier molecules transport materials against a concentration gradient?
a. osmosis b. facilitated diffusion c. active transport d. diffusion Answer: C

7 Which cytoskeleton component(s), through its/their interaction(s) with myosin, can produce active movement of a portion of a cell, or a change in the shape of the entire cell? a. microfilaments b. thick filaments c. microtubules d. all of the above Answer: A

8 Which of the following never enter the G0 phase?
a. neurons b. skeletal muscle cells c. stem cells d. a and b Answer: C

9 Which structures are found in epithelial tissue that is subjected to a significant amount of abrasion and shearing forces? a. focal adhesions b. nexuses c. tight junctions d. hemidesmosomes Answer: D

10 The plasmalemma is extremely thin and delicate, ranging from ______ in thickness.
a. 3 to 7 nm b. 5 to 9 nm c. 6 to 10 nm d. 7 to 11 nm Answer: C

11 Microtubules do not include which of the following functions?
a. They provide structural support within axons. b. They form the spindle apparatus during cell division. c. They form structural components of organelles, such as centrioles, cilia, and flagella. d. They provide a mechanism for changing cellular shape. Answer: A

12 Which type of membrane proteins may function as catalysts?
a. integral proteins b. peripheral proteins c. glycoproteins d. lipoproteins Answer: A

13 Which of the following phases of the cell cycle may be indefinite and occurs as the cell is performing its specialized functions? a. G1 b. S c. G2 d. G0 Answer: D

14 Which of the following is/are true about cells?
a. They are produced by the division of preexisting cells. b. They form all of the structures in the body. c. They are the fundamental units of all living things. d. All of the above statements are true. Answer: D

15 Which of the following cells do not contain centrioles?
a. mature red blood cells b. skeletal muscle cells c. All cells contain centrioles. d. a and b Answer: D

16 Which of the following is/are (a) general function(s) of the plasmalemma?
a. sensitivity b. regulation of exchange with the environment c. structural support d. all of the above Answer: D

17 Which of the following is not comprised of a complex of microtubules that contain a 9 + 2 array?
a. centriole b. cilia c. flagella d. none of the above Answer: A

18 Which structures contain enzymes, which are formed by free ribosomes within the cytoplasm?
a. transfer vesicles b. peroxisomes c. lysosomes d. secretory vesicles Answer: B

19 The major functions of the Golgi apparatus do not include which of the following?
a. synthesis and packaging of secretions b. detoxification of cellular toxins c. renewal or modification of the plasmalemma d. All of the above are functions of the Golgi apparatus. Answer: B

20 At the end of prophase, spindle fibers form among the chromosomes, and the kinetochore of each chromatid becomes attached to which specific structure, formed by a spindle fiber? a. a centriole b. a microfilament c. a chromosomal microtubule d. a centromere Answer: C

21 Which of the following is a type of anchoring junction also termed a “desmosome”?
a. macula adherens b. dense area c. focal adhesion d. zonula adherens Answer: A

22 Which organelle removes bacteria and isolates them within vesicles, ultimately releasing usable substances such as carbohydrates and amino acids? a. nucleosomes b. lysosomes c. peroxisomes d. a and b Answer: B

23 Which of the following is the most important step in cell division?
a. transcription of DNA b. DNA replication c. translation of DNA d. All are equally important. Answer: B

24 Which of the following mechanism(s) of endocytosis is/are performed only by specialized cells of the immune system? a. pinocytosis b. phagocytosis c. receptor-mediated endocytosis d. b and c Answer: B

25 Which of the following is/are responsible for the synthesis of ribosomal components?
a. rough ER b. smooth ER c. nucleosomes d. nucleoli Answer: D

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