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3 Proven Ways to Kill your B Business--Part III

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Presentation on theme: "3 Proven Ways to Kill your B Business--Part III"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Proven Ways to Kill your B Business--Part III
It Is Easier Than You Think

2 The Stealth Business Assassin

3 The Most Dangerous is… YOU!!

4 Why Do Sales People With Every Skill Still Fail???
Three stealth Reasons Success- stops progress Stationary- stops forward motion Static- Interference Interferes

5 Celebrating and not selling Made it instead of keeping it
Sabotaged by Success Celebrating and not selling Made it instead of keeping it Resting instead of reaching Forgetting what got you there Forgetting change always comes Forgetting the future Forgetting others Becoming self sufficient

6 Who???

7 Howard Johnsons Howard Johnson’s was an American chain of hotels and motels located primarily throughout the United States and Canada. It had also once been a chain of restaurants for over 90 years and name widely associated for that alone. It was the largest restaurant chain in the U.S. throughout the 1960s and 1970s, with more than 1,000 combined company-owned and franchised outlets. In the years that followed, HoJo’s severely dwindled in number and all but disappeared by the 21st century.

8 Success Is a circle-Not a Straight Line

9 Stationary- Stops Forward Motion
Stopping can be fatal Waiting- standing still New sells and inspires Monotony bores everyone The top spot is always temporary There is always movement behind you Challenge always defeats contentment

10 One of the Oldest in the World!

11 Founding father Adolph Zukor (born in 1873) was still chairman emeritus; he referred to chairman Barney Balaban (born 1888) as "the boy." Such aged leadership was incapable of keeping up with the changing times, and in 1966, a sinking Paramount was sold to Charles Bluhdorn's industrial conglomerate, Gulf + Western Industries Corporation.

12 Most Successful Movie studio today?

13 Static- Interference Interferes
Voices around you Voices within Noise Failures Blind to new sounds Missing the music Lack of clarity

14 92 Financial Service Firms Are Gone Listening but static interfered…
E.F.Hutton Bank of Boston Dean Witter Lehman Brothers National Life and Accident Mutual Benefit Life Prudential Securities

15 Pay Attention to your Business
If you don’t no one else will either!!!

16 Why Do Sales People With Every Skill Still Fail???
Three stealth Reasons Success- stops progress Stationary- stops forward motion Static- Interference Interferes

17 Here is a great suggestion!
Mark Stirneman NetStudent A new offer for every client with a student in the family over 18…

18 We are here to help-- 1-888-604-4789 See you next week!!!!
Call Mark, Vanessa, Mary, or Jennifer Check out Step 6 In the app store See you next week!!!!

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