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Application of Genetic Engineering

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1 Application of Genetic Engineering

2 Transgenic Organisms Transgenic: one organism contains genes from a different species. Genetic Engineering: moves a gene from one organism to another.

3 Fireflies and Tobacco Plants

4 Bacteria Bacteria as transgenic organisms Bacteria are used to produce
easy to grow reproduce fast Bacteria are used to produce insulin & cancer fighting substances materials for plastics & synthetic fibers compounds cheaply and in abundance

5 Genetically Modified Fish?

6 Transgenic Animals Used to study genes and improve food supply
Mice: to study human immune system Livestock: grow leaner and faster Chickens: resistant to bacterial infections In the future: sheep and pigs that have human proteins in their milk.

7 Transgenic Animals

8 Transgenic Plants In 2000, 52% of soybeans & 25% of corn were transgenic, or genetically modified (GM) produce natural insecticides resistant to pesticides Rice that contains Vitamin A Future: Antibodies Plastics Won’t rot and spoil

9 Transgenic Tobacco

10 Genetically Modified Organisms

11 Bt Cotton

12 Cloning Clone: a member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell. Easy to grow clone bacteria colonies, but difficult for multicellular organisms. Pro: save endangered species Con: genetic defects & health problems

13 Dolly In 1997, Ian Wilmut cloned a sheep, Dolly
Nucleus of an egg cell is removed & fused with another adult cell Embryo is placed in foster mother

14 Cloned Cattle

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