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Welcome to Kimbers.

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1 Welcome to Kimbers

2 General Information We are very lucky to have Mrs Rowlands as our LSA in Kimbers. Please make sure that your child is at school on time. The doors open from 8:35 with lessons beginning at 8:50. There is always a task of some sort for the children when they enter the classroom. PE days are on Thursdays and Fridays. However, we advise to keep PE kit in school for the entirety of the week as timetables may change. Children should have the correct PE kit, that is named. When picking up your child at the end of the day, please ensure that you collect them from the playground.

3 Learning. Mr Butt will be the main class teacher.
During mornings, the maths and literacy will be covered as well as group reading, times tables and spelling. In the afternoons, we will be covering the other subjects, such as history, geography, pe etc. For the first term, we will be focusing on the Stone Age for our topic work.

4 Homework, Reading, Spelling and Times tables.
All homework will be given out on a Friday. This is the spellings, times tables and group reading. These are then to be collected on the Thursday. Spellings are given out with a LCWC sheet and a slip stuck into a spelling book. The LCWC just needs to come back to me and doesn’t need sticking in. Please feel free to practice as much as you would like in the spelling book. The spellings will be tested on a Thursday. Times tables will be a practice sheet that will be stuck into a homework book. With reading, we would like your child to read daily. This may not always be possible, but please try as best you can. Please can you record any times you read with your child in their reading record! The class also have homework challenges, with a reduced number of 4 this year, all relating to our topic. Children can choose 3 tasks to do over the term.

5 The timetable. B L R U E N A C K H 8:35 – 8:55
8:35 – 8:55 9:00/9:30 dependant on assembly – 10:10 10:10 – 10:30 10:30- 10:45 10:50 – 11:20 11:20 – 12:15 12:15- 1:15 Monday Maths Activity followed by Collective Worship Maths B Group Reading Literacy L RE Art/DT Tuesday EBR Times table practice R U Music French for Y3. Y2 going with other Y2. Followed by class assembly Wednesday Spelling Practice with handwriting sheet. Mental maths E N Science Key stage Assembly Thursday Spelling Test A C Topic PE (Gymnastics and Dance) followed by a singing assembly Friday Finishing work followed by Celebration assembly Times table test K Practice new spelling words and homework hand out H PSHE PE (Games) Golden Time

6 Marking Within your child’s book, you will see a multitude of colours.
Purple pen marking means that the children have done a piece of work that matches the success criteria/learning objective. Orange pen means that they have a correction that I would like them to make. This might be checking their spelling or punctuation. Any work that follows an orange pen, the children complete in green.

7 Final things Please feel free to discuss any issues with Mr Butt at the end of the day. If you’d like to make an appointment to see me or would like to talk on the phone, please contact the office and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you do have any concerns please raise them as I’d hate to think of you or your child feeling anxious about something. There is a parents evening coming up later in the term to discuss how your child is settling in and progressing so far.

8 Thank you for coming this evening.

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