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Harry Potter’s Portfolio

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1 Harry Potter’s Portfolio


3 His birthday is on the 23rd of July in1989. His home town is London.


5 His family was not very large
His family was not very large. His parents, Lily and James Potter were killed when he was a year old.

6 Their killer was the dark wizard Lord Voldermort
Their killer was the dark wizard Lord Voldermort. He tried to kill Harry. Harry got a scar on his forehead. Harry became a hero.

7 He lived with the family of his mother’s sister: the Dursleys
He lived with the family of his mother’s sister: the Dursleys. Aunt Petunia And Uncle Vernon made his life unhappy. He had cousins Dudley.

8 When he was 11 years old, he got a letter. He went to study at Hogwarts
School of Wizardy.

9 His favourite subjects at school are English and Art. He doesn’t like
Maths and French.

10 Hу plays Quidditch. It is a magic wizard sport. He can play in the air
On broomsticks.



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