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Atmosphere Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere Basics

2 Composition The combination of distinct parts to make a whole

3 Ozone O3- three molecules of oxygen chemically combined. It is important b/c it absorbs UV light (UV light causes skin cancer)

4 Troposphere The layer closest to the earth. Contains most of the mass including water. Weather occurs here.

5 Stratosphere Layer above the troposphere. Made mostly of ozone. (temp increases at the top)

6 mesosphere The atmosphere layer above the stratosphere. Temperature decreases as you go up.

7 thermosphere The layer above the mesosphere. Very little air is present. Temperature gets as hot as 1000 degrees C.

8 exosphere The outermost layer of the atmosphere. It contains light gases like H and He.

9 Radiation The transfer of energy through space by visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and other electromagnetic radiation.


11 Conduction The transfer of energy when molecules collide (energy transfer from earth to the close atmosphere)

12 Convection The transfer of energy by the flow of a heated substance (water or air). Warm water or air rises and cold falls!

13 Exosphere Thermosphere Mesosphere

14 Details—fill in the blanks
Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (21 %) Water vapor and carbon dioxide Vary Energy Changes state

15 Details cont. Dust, salt, ice Ozone Oxygen molecules
Neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, xenon.

16 Compare and contrast Troposphere Gets cooler as you go up
Layer Temp . Variation Composition Special characteristics Troposphere Gets cooler as you go up Water vapor, nitrogen, oxygen, trace gases Weather occurs here Stratosphere Gets hotter as you go up Ozone Absorbs UV light Mesosphere Protects Earth from meteors. Coldest region of the atmosphere. Thermosphere Gets hotter as you go up. (< 1000 degrees Celsius) Very few air molecules

17 Solar fundamentals Movement of energy Radiation
Occurs when electromagnetic waves move through space

18 Conduction Occurs when molecules collide

19 Convection Occurs when materials flow

20 Effect Reflected by the atmosphere Absorbed by the atmosphere Absorbed by the Earth’s surface Reflected from Earth’s surface Reflected from clouds percent 6 15 50 4 25


22 Real world connection The ban on CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) protects the stratosphere because a main component of this layer is ozone. CFCs break down ozone. This is important because ozone absorbs UV light (which causes skin cancer)


24 p. 277 1. Water vapor helps regulate the temperature of the Earth’s surface by absorbing and releasing heat. 2. The stratosphere gets hotter at the top because it contains significant ozone concentration. Ozone absorbs UV radiation and heats up. 3. Gases in the atmosphere are from most to least: nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor.

25 4. The temperatures in the city will be hotter because the pavement absorbs solar heat, but then releases it back to the environment. In the country much of the heat will be held in plants.

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