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Rhetorical Devices.

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1 Rhetorical Devices

2 Litotes Similar to understatement
Emphasizes point by using a word opposite to the condition Ex. “The trip across the mountain was a hard journey” (original) “The trip was no easy journey” (using litotes) Heat waves are common in the summer. vs. Heat waves are not rare in the summer.

3 Litotes Understatement would have said: “”The journey was easy.”
Difference lies in the way the sentence is constructed & in the direction of the emphasis. Which is more effective?

4 Litotes Can be combined with understatement to emphasize something.
Ex. “It wasn’t a big deal” to describe the Louisiana Purchase.

5 Litotes Often used as understatement in describing one’s own achievements so as not to seem arrogant.

6 Litotes Can be used to weaken a claim.
Instead of saying, “It was a good day,” we can say “It wasn’t a bad day.” First statement has definite meaning—the day was good—but the second statement is a bit less clear. Could mean the day was good, but could also mean the day wasn’t good or bad, but somewhere inbetween.

7 Litotes Allows the writer to say what isn’t true, without committing as strongly to what is true.

8 Litotes Example 1: “A cup of coffee would not be unwelcome.”
Example 2: “It’s not the smartest idea I’ve ever heard.” Example 3: “that store is not in the most convenient location.”

9 Litotes Intensifies the sentiment intended by the writer, and creates the effect of strong feelings moderately conveyed. Examples: Hitting that telephone pole certainly didn't do your car any good. If you can tell the fair one's mind, it will be no small proof of your art, for I dare say it is more than she herself can do. --Alexander Pope A figure lean or corpulent, tall or short, though deviating from beauty, may still have a certain union of the various parts, which may contribute to make them on the whole not unpleasing. --Sir Joshua Reynolds He who examines his own self will not long remain ignorant of his failings. Overall the flavors of the mushrooms, herbs, and spices combine to make the dish not at all disagreeable to the palate.

10 Exercise 1 Write five original statements that use litotes to emphasize a point or startle a reader into paying attention. Here’s an example: 1. The former CEO’s lifestyle was not shabby, which may explain why the company went bankrupt.

11 Exercise 2 In your own words, rewrite each of these examples of litotes as straight declarative statements. Try to keep the style of the original.

12 Exercise 2 1. “…I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small.” (Jeremiah 30:19 RSV)

13 Exercise 2 2. “That (sword) was not useless / to the warrior now.” (Beowulf)

14 Exercise 2 3. “It isn’t very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain.” (The Catcher in the Rye)

15 Exercise 2 4. “for life’s not a paragraph/And death I think is no parenthesis” (e.e. cummings)

16 Antithesis

17 Antithesis Makes use of a contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil Armstrong) “...not to be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)

18 Antithesis Organizes ideas in a way that is both evocative and powerful. Can be built by contrasting any of the different parts of a statement.

19 Antithesis You can keep the structure of the sentences identical, but use two opposing words. You can change entire clauses to contrast with one another. You can have whole sentences oppose each other throughout the course of the paragraph.

20 Antithesis Simply opposing a key word can be the easiest to build, but longer uses of antithesis can be very powerful.

21 Antithesis Sound of a sentence built on antithesis can also be used to great effect.

22 Antithesis Trying to alliterate, or match the first sound of the contrasting words, can help highlight the opposition. For Example: “Life can be kind and cruel, full of hope and heartache.” Can drive the point home more eloquently than: “Life can be kind and mean, full of joy and heartache.”

23 Antithesis Can also help to point out fine distinctions in an issue by presenting them together. By contrasting legality and morality, wisdom and learning, or success and happiness, you make your reader think about the subtle shades of difference between the concepts.

24 Antithesis When dealing with ideas that you think your reader might tend to think of as the same, joining them in antithesis can help set the stage for your argument.

25 Antithesis Example #1: “We live within our limits, for we are men, not gods.” Example #2: “I speak not from ignorance, but from experience.” Example #3: “War is not fought to achieve joy, but rather to avoid pain.”

26 Antithesis Exercise 1: Write 5 original statements that use antithesis to emphasize a point or startle a reader into paying attention. Example: 1. The villain lives by his wits, not his labor.

27 Hypophora Technique of asking a question, then proceeding to answer it
Useful in writing essays to inform or persuade Example: Politicians often begin press conferences, etc. with a question such as, “Why am I for putting more police officers on the streets? Their presence prevents crime.”

28 Hypophora Most common use: introducing a paragraph in an essay
A writer begins a paragraph with a question then uses the remaining space to answer the question Example: “Why should you vote for me? I’ll give you five good reasons…” Can be a good way to guide readers from point to point to make sure they follow

29 Hypophora Can be used to anticipate questions or concerns you think a reader might raise You strengthen your case by addressing these concerns directly By phrasing them first in question form, you make it clear you understand reader’s thought process

30 Hypophora Example: “So what is the answer to our rising crime problem?” Feels natural and easy and serves as a way to help reader feel directly connected and involved in the discussion

31 Hypophora Sometimes you might feel readers know too little about topic to know which questions to ask Hypophora can help introduce them to important information without making it seem as if you’re forcing it upon them Phrasing it as a question leads readers to feel as if they thought of it; makes answer seem like something they always wanted to know— used as a ‘tool of suggestion’

32 Hypophora Can be used to bring up a number of points
Ask a series of questions that are related, then spend time addressing the underlying concern Addressing each question individually can be boring or feel contrived By reducing a group of questions to a broader point, you are able to advance the point more effectively

33 Hypophora Example #1: “How do we know this to be true? We have observed it in the lab.” Example #2: “What then of the future? Let come what may, and we shall meet it without fear.” Example #3: “Do we then submit to our oppressor? No. No. A thousand times, no.”

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