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The Emperors of Antarctica

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1 The Emperors of Antarctica
By: Ashlynn and Tara

2 In The Beginning… King Claus had been ignoring the requests of the lower class Emperor Penguins in favor of the upper class families of reindeer and polar bears. Because of King Claus, many penguins were suffering and experiencing tragic heartbreak because of his cruel treatment. He mocked the penguins with his harsh words. “You all aren’t birds!” he said. “Real birds can fly like the amazing Ruldolph!” The penguins were sad…

3 In The Beginning… (cont.)
So, the penguins said, “We shall form our own government and colonies, and be free from your evil ways!” The Emperor Penguins then traveled from the North Pole to the South Pole in search of relief from the monarch rule of King Santa Claus. They called this “The March of the Penguins”. March of the Penguins Several weeks later they landed with their families on a large island they named Antarctica.

4 Forming Of The Agency… Several months later after getting their thirteen colonies set up, several delegates met at the Black and White Conference Center to discuss their plans for a government. However, the delegates immediately split into two sides. One side was firmly with their political leader Agent A and her Democratic ways while the other side favored Agent T’s Republican views.

5 Forming Of The Agency… (cont.)
The Great One. The two sides continued to butt heads until one smart penguin (he wishes to remain anonymous) stood up and said, “Let us have a bicameral legislature, one house for Agent A’s beliefs and the other for Agent T’s. We will call this The Agency, and it will be our one house government.” They called this The Great Compromise.

6 Forming Of The Agency… (cont.)
With this suggestion the penguins set up a basic one branch government, called The Agency, with two houses known as the Republicans and the Democrats. The heads of each house in The Agency were Agent T, Republican, and Agent A, Democrat. After each head had served for as long as they wished, they would choose someone worthy of the job to take over for them. The penguins came together and agreed on a plan. In each house there would be twenty-six members who serve five year terms. They would only have to be eighteen years of age to be in one of the houses, and they must be of legal penguin status for a minimum of seven years. So from each of the thirteen colonies four penguins would be chosen, two Democrats and two Republicans. Meaning that throughout Antarctica the colonies would all be equally represented. A penguin nominating another penguin for a job in The Agency.

7 Forming Of The Agency… (cont.)
Of course there will always be disagreements. Such as whether to fix the giant hole in the ice, or to improve the classroom conditions at the public schools. When this happens between the two houses, the issue will be presented to the public, and the public will vote on what they think is best for Antarctica. The community is concerned about the giant hole that continues to get larger. The teachers of the public schools have over crowded classrooms.

8 And They All Lived… Happily Ever After!!!

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