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Composing the Elements

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1 Composing the Elements
First-cut data path does an instruction in one clock cycle Each datapath element can only do one function at a time Hence, we need separate instruction and data memories Use multiplexers where alternate data sources are used for different instructions February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

2 R-Type/Load/Store Datapath
How would this execute: add $s0, $s1, $s2; 100000 00000 10000 10010 10001 000000 funct shamt rd rt rs op February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

3 R-Type Execution 100000 00000 10000 00011 10001 000000 funct shamt rd rt rs op Reg #s for $s1 and $s2 are input to the register file's read register ports. Values from $s1 and $s2 are fetched and passed to ALU (ALUSrc set to 0 by Control). Low 16 bits from instruction are fed to the Sign-extend logic… irrelevant. February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

4 R-Type Execution 100000 00000 10000 00011 10001 000000 funct shamt rd rt rs op ALU computes sum of operands (ALU operation control set by Control). ALU output tranferred to MUX, set to pass through input 0 by Control. February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

5 R-Type Execution 100000 00000 10000 00011 10001 000000 funct shamt rd rt rs op Reg# for $s0 is input to register file write register port. ALU output transferred to register file Write data port. RegWrite control line set by Control. February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

6 R-Type/Load/Store Datapath
How would this execute: lw $s0, 16($s1); 10001 10000 100011 16-bit number rt rs op QTP Alert!! February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

7 Full Datapath How would this execute: beq $s0, $s1, Label0;
QTP Alert!! February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

8 Simplified ALU Design Here's a simplified ALU for 4-bit operands that illustrates the control interface we need: Effectively, this ALU has a 4-bit control mechanism for selecting the desired function. InvA InvB FnSel ALU Fn 00 AND 01 OR 10 add 1 sub 11 slt NOR February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

9 ALU Control ALU used for - Load/Store F = add - Branch F = subtract
- R-type F depends on funct field InvA InvB FnSel ALU Fn 00 AND 01 OR 10 add 1 sub 11 slt NOR February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

10 ALU Control Assume 2-bit control signal ALUOp derived from opcode
Combinational logic derives ALU control opcode ALUOp Operation funct ALU function ALU control lw 00 load word XXXXXX add 0010 sw store word beq 01 branch equal subtract 0110 R-type 10 100000 100010 AND 100100 0000 OR 100101 0001 set-on-less-than 101010 0111 ALU Control February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

11 write for R-type and load
The Main Control Unit Control signals derived from instruction R-type rs rt rd shamt funct 31:26 5:0 25:21 20:16 15:11 10:6 write for R-type and load Load/ Store 35 or 43 rs rt address 31:26 25:21 20:16 15:0 sign-extend and add 4 rs rt address 31:26 25:21 20:16 15:0 Branch opcode always read read, except for load February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

12 Datapath With Control February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

13 Datapath Control Signals
RegDst selects instruction bits for write register # Branch 1 iff instruction is beq MemRead 1 iff memory location is to be read MemtoReg selects source for write data port ALUOp specifies instruction class to ALU control MemWrite 1 iff memory location is to be written ALUSrc selects source for 2nd operand to ALU RegWrite 1 iff register is to be written February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

14 Main Control Truth Table
The bottom portion of the table gives the outputs for each of the four opcodes. If we consider only the four opcodes shown in this table, then we can simplify the truth table by using don’t cares in the input portion. For example, we can detect an R-format instruction with the expression Op5 || Op2, since this is sufficient to distinguish the R-format instructions from lw, sw, and beq. We do not take advantage of this simplification, since the rest of the MIPS opcodes are used in a full implementation. February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

15 Relevancies for R-Type Instruction
February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

16 Relevancies for Load Instruction
February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

17 Relevancies for beq Instruction
February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

18 Implementing Jumps 2 address Jump uses word address
31:26 25:0 Jump Jump uses word address Update PC with concatenation of Top 4 bits of old PC 26-bit jump address 00 Need an extra control signal decoded from opcode February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

19 Datapath With Jumps Added
February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

20 Performance Issues Longest delay determines clock period
Critical path: load instruction Instruction memory  register file  ALU  data memory  register file Not feasible to vary period for different instructions Violates design principle Making the common case fast We will improve performance by pipelining February 2009 © McQuain & Ribbens

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