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Introduction to Cadcorp SIS 6.2 SeaZone Solutions

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1 Introduction to Cadcorp SIS 6.2 SeaZone Solutions
Inspire ‘Marine’ OF and SR TWG Keiran Millard, Group Manager, SeaZone Additional Notes

2 Examples of Sea Regions
“North Sea” (i.e. any common-usage named sea or ocean) oA water body with an identified boundaries based on land and/or common circulation patterns around the sea • “Sediment Cell” A water body where the net sediment budget is (close to) zero, typically used for coastal erosion management. • “Circulation Cell” A water body which is the fate for all pollutants entering the water body, typically used for coastal water quality management for example in the Water Framework Directive • “Seabed Area” o Any area of sea characterised by common seabed coverage or depth (e.g. Dogger Bank). • “Exclusive EconomicZone” (UNCLOS) An administrative area recognised by the United Nations, based on the offshore extent from a low tidal boundary

3 Introduction to Cadcorp SIS 6.2 SeaZone Solutions
Sea Regions Additional Notes

4 Examples of Ocean Features
An Oceanographic Geographic Feature (“Ocean Feature” or “OF”) describes the physical and chemical phenomena of a sea region (known as 'SeaArea' in the Inspire Sea Regions model). Some examples of Ocean Features are: Time series of measurements of water level from a tide guage A gridded field of ocean colour A one off sea surface temperature measurement made by hand with a themometer An ocean climate model predicting future changes of salinity over time on a model grid. In each of these cases some estimation of the value of a property (water level, ocean colour, temperature, salinity) is made using some procedure. For the OF theme we directly build upon the ISO Observations & Measurements specification which already describes these relationships between the observation (or simulation) event, the observed property, the procedure used and the feature of interest.

5 Introduction to Cadcorp SIS 6.2 SeaZone Solutions
MyOcean (OF Example) Additional Notes

6 SR Overview

7 SR Core

8 SR Core

9 SR Extension

10 Further specialisation of MarineCirculationZone?
SR: Issues to Consider Code Lists Especially for SeaArea names Further specialisation of MarineCirculationZone? Attribution of MarineAdiminisatrativeZone

11 OF Specification

12 Portrayal of coverages Link to EMF Scope of phenomena
OF: Issues to Consider Code Lists Portrayal of coverages Link to EMF Scope of phenomena Suggest those mandated in legislation not all Vocabularies for phenomena CF_Names, SeaDataNet Binary encodings and linking to GML AS

13 INSPIRE Portrayal

14 Introduction to Cadcorp SIS 6.2 SeaZone Solutions
Inspire ‘Marine’ OF and SR TWG Keiran Millard, Group Manager, SeaZone Additional Notes

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