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Update from the Boards and Community Safety Partnership

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1 Update from the Boards and Community Safety Partnership
In line with statutory requirements we are currently managing 1 Domestic Homicide Review 1 Serious Case Review The results of these will be published on completion and events will be held to share any learning (A multi-agency review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person to whom they were related or with whom they were, or had been, in an intimate personal relationship, or a member of the same household as themselves. Since 13 April 2011 there has been a statutory requirement for local areas to conduct a DHR following a domestic homicide that meets the criteria) A serious case review (SCR) takes place after a child dies or is seriously injured and abuse or neglect is thought to be involved. It looks at lessons that can help prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Other parts of the UK have their own systems in place to learn from cases. In Wales they are called child practice reviews; in Northern Ireland, case management reviews and in Scotland, significant case reviews. A SCR should take place if abuse or neglect is known, or suspected, to have been involved and a child has died or a child has been seriously harmed and there is cause for concern about how organisations or professionals worked together to safeguard the child or the child dies in custody or a child died by suspected suicide.

2 New Policies and Procedures
Adult self neglect (including hoarding) A recent audit showed that very few professionals were aware of this Resolution of Professional Disagreements (Escalation) Every audit undertaken includes at least one case where this policy could / should have been used to improve outcomes for that child / young person

3 New Policies and Procedures
Domestic Violence and Abuse Pathway Includes process flow chart and tools also many useful phone numbers Information Sharing Protocol Has been updated in line with new GDPR guidelines


5 Additional training available
FREE Working to stop FGM, Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage Thurs 05/ Kindle Centre Preferable to book via CPD online (as this will allow you to access certification)

6 Regular courses will start again in September
Neglect and the use of GCP2 HSCB Targeted Working Together to Safeguard Children 1 Day Course HSCB Targeted Refresher in Working Together to Safeguard Children Half Day Course HSCB Targeted Child Sexual Exploitation  Half Day Course

7 Individual events include:
Practitioner Forum - The impact of early exposure to mental health and fictitious illness (26th September) MARAC Awareness Day (1st October) New courses are added regularly. Book using CPD online

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