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Healthy Workplace Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Workplace Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Workplace Strategy
OASBO Finance: Attendance Management Best Practices Benefits Of A Healthy Workplace Strategy

2 Sick Leave Changes – Key Changes Benefits of Implementing a Comprehensive Program Where Do You Start: Building a Comprehensive Program Return on Investment/ROI

3 Sick Leave Changes New sick leave program introduced in September 1, 2012 11 sick days 120 Short term disability days 2014/2015 refresh period introduced (except OECTA) Through Central bargaining, expanded sick leave definition to include medical appointments.

4 Central Sick Leave Program Key Points
Through central negotiation some employee groups negotiated specific short term disability forms that is problematic from a case management perspective. Union Administered Long Term Disability Program (waiting periods extended to expiration of sick leave). This increased costs for school boards.

5 Benefits of Implementing A Comprehensive Program
The biggest asset your organization has is its people; the biggest asset they have is their health and wellbeing – so it makes good business sense for you to look after it.

6 Benefits of Implementing A Comprehensive Program
Staff absences impact student learning outcomes. Absenteeism is a big financial liability for Employers. To assist with meeting legislation requirements and limit any liability; grievance, human rights complaints

7 Benefits of Implementing A Comprehensive Program

8 Where Do You Start: Building a Comprehensive Program
Adequate Resources to managing – Attendance Management, Medical Absence, Return to Work and Wellness initiatives. HRIS Infrastructure and Support IT support Proper communication and reporting capabilities between dispatch, HRIS and Parklane

9 Where Do You Start: Building a Comprehensive Program
Appropriate funding to support Program needs; EAP, Assisted Devices, Third Party Assessments etc. Understand your Board’s sick leave program and data trending. Conduct a gap analysis on your Program.

10 PDSB Employee Well-Being Healthy Workplace Strategy

11 Ontario School Boards - Sick Leave Utilization - SBCI
School Boards Cooperative conducts an Attendance Audit

12 PDSB: Disability Management
This is a summary of claims managed by the Abilities Office for absences that are greater than 10 consecutive dates of absences. does not include Graduated/Reduced Modified work/WSIB Claims This data does not include the less than 10 day absences In addition to managing medical absences have 503 active medical workplace accommodation programs.

13 PDSB Short Term Disability Trending
I think it is important to understand our individual staff well-being absence data to ensure we develop programs that are going to be supportive of our employees needs. Mental Health, Physical Health/Chronic health related absences.

14 Benefit vs. Entitlement
Changing Mindset Benefit vs. Entitlement What is the go forward strategy for sustaining our sick leave program until 2019. Employees see their sick leave bank as an entitlement. We need to continue to educate staff that this collective agreement provision is a BENEFIT and this process takes time.

15 Health Promotion Attendance Support Program: Update
Operating Procedure HRS# 47 implemented September 1, The Program presently is working with a number of employees to improve and support regular attendance at work. Total in Program = 3412 We have removed 291 ppl from the Program. = 3121 24,000 employees (includes Casual) = 13 % of employee population. 16, 056 FTE = 19% of employees have received a letter. Will speak to the numbers of employees that have been removed from the Program and whom have successfully been released from the Program. Will have data available to speak monthly breakdown of data (if needed)

16 Attendance Management - ROI
This is the present absence data for 2016/17 school year. The return on investment (ROI) will fluctuate.

17 Sick Day Average – By Employee Group
UNION_GROUP Sick Leave Comparison - 15/16 to 16/17 CUPE 1628 14.442 12.811 -11% CUPE 2544 20.985 19.548 -7% DECE 16.420 15.402 -6% ETFO 13.940 13.328 -4% ETFO OT 7.290 7.164 -2% OPSEU 283 19.298 14.969 -22% OPSEU LTSS 10.458 10.684 2% OPSEU MEDIA 13.628 10.682 OSSTF 12.856 12.251 -5% OSSTF OT 5.797 5.676 Other 8.119 8.732 8% PSSP 9.366 6.890 -26% PVP 6.793 5.122 -25% ERFP 19.266 18.674 -3% TOTAL AVERAGE 14.106 12.715 -10%

18 Sick Leave Data

19 Challenges These Programs are not well received by Unions/Federations.
You need to have a strong records management systems. (ITS support, reporting capabilities, automation, systems need to be able to speak to each other without manual intervention) You have to invest in AM/DM staff prior to Programs being implemented. If you are decentralizing the Attendance Management Program, you need to ensure adequate training is available for Principals/Managers. Strong Communication Plan for all employees and management. Clear role clarity with respect to ‘position of control/decision making authority’ within the HR teams.

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