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IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
July 1999 doc.: IEEE /029 July 1999 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks Liaison Report #2 July, 1999 Montreal Liaison Report #1 -99/ P802-15_Liaison-Report.ppt On Server & Flash Card Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

2 Agenda Objectives Overview Liaison Summaries Liaison Reports
July 1999 Agenda Objectives Overview Liaison Summaries Liaison Reports Liaison Objectives Liaison Negotiations Observations Liaison Contacts Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

3 Liaison Objectives Promote the IEEE as a Value Add
July 1999 Liaison Objectives Promote the IEEE as a Value Add Promote the IEEE 802 as a leader in Wireless Standards-Making Promote P as an expert in WPANs Request/Receive Draft Standard Submissions from External and Internal (IEEE) from our Liaison activities Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

4 WPAN Timeline - Overview
July 1999 WPAN Timeline - Overview IEEE Ad Hoc “Wearables” Standards Committee IEEE P Study Group for WPANs IEEE P Working Group for WPANs 1 CFP 5/98 9/98 1 CFA 6/99 2 CFP 6/97 3/98 3/99 1997 1998 1999 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

5 WPAN Timeline vis a vis a Specification(s) or a Standard
July 1999 WPAN Timeline vis a vis a Specification(s) or a Standard SWAP-CA v1.0 Provisional Bluetooth v1.0 HRF-Lite v1.0 1998 1999 11/00 M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 3/12/98 WPAN SG Formed 6/4/98 1st PAR to ExCom 2/4/99 2nd PAR to ExCom & WG LB17 CFP CFA Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

6 July 1999 WPAN Timeline - Detail Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

7 WPAN Liaison & Submissions
July 1999 Convergence Achieved WPAN Liaison & Submissions Convergence Happening Possible Convergence Liaison Call For Proposals Wireless Personal Area Networking Bluetooth 6. July 1, 1999 or sooner IEEE HomeRF Lite Bluetooth Intermec 5. March 8, 1999 or sooner Kodak IEEE HomeRF Lite Bluetooth Intermec 4. January 15, 1999 or sooner Kodak IEEE HomeRF Lite Bluetooth Intermec 3. November 13, 1998 or sooner IEEE HomeRF Lite Bluetooth GTE Intermec Motorola 2. July 10, 1998 or sooner M/A-COM IEEE 1997 Bluetooth 5/20/98 GTE 5/22/98 Intermec M/A-COM 1. May 22, 1998 or sooner HomeRF 3/4/98 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

8 Liaison Summary Active Liaison List Reports Nonactive Liaison List
July 1999 Liaison Summary Active Liaison List Reports Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Ellis/Kardach) HomeRF Working Group (Manny) IETF MobileIP (?) Not received DoT FHWA ITS DSRC (T. M. Kurihara) Not received IEEE (Lindinsky) IEEE (Carlson) IEEE (Hayes) Nonactive Liaison List IrDA (Michael Watson) WAP Forum (Chuck Parrish) Other Liaisons? ETSI (?) Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

9 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
July 1999 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks External Liaison Report Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

10 Bluetooth Report Telecon & Meetings E-Mail’s to Bluetooth SIG
July 1999 Bluetooth Report Telecon & Meetings May 21, 1999 Jim Carlo, Don Loughry & Simon Ellis, Meeting in Santa Clara June 7, 1999 Mahmoud Naghshineh WPAN Liaison Meeting in London ’s to Bluetooth SIG Miscellaneous June 14, 1999 Second Call For Proposal ’s from Bluetooth SIG July 1, 1999 Letter Of Intent Next Steps Liaison Meeting Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

11 Bluetooth/IEEE Proposed Plan
July 1999 Bluetooth/IEEE Proposed Plan working group will make a request (~Jun 1999) for technologies that meet usage models established by IEEE anticipates these usage models to be similar to what Bluetooth has overviewed during IEEE Liaisons would like Bluetooth SIG to submit (~Jul 1999) the finalized specifications (Vol. 1 & 2) to the group for consideration [MS Word '97] Final specification will be voted on by the group, no guarantees that the specification will move forward, however there is a desire to not fragment the market, achieve some level of coexistence, and possibly a 2.4GHz spectrum etiquette. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

12 Bluetooth/IEEE Proposed Timeline
July 1999 Bluetooth/IEEE Proposed Timeline Jul Initial Discussion on Proposal submissions Note 1: Specification from Bluetooth introduced into the committee. The committee should do a review of this specification and clarify, understand what problems it will create with other 802 standards, etc. ARE THERE OTHER PROPOSALS? Note 2: If the submission date slips to Aug 1999 or Sep 1999 there is a potential to slip the end date. Jul IEEE initial vote of support to draft based on Bluetooth specification Sep The draft based on the current Bluetooth specification to the time line Nov Initial draft ready for WG ballot. Jan First Ballot complete, second ballot kicked off. Mar Draft ready for IEEE sponsor ballot. Jul 2000 Nov 2000 Dec Approval by IEEE Standards Board Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

13 July 1999 We have been reviewing the Bluetooth Specification, via Liaison & Public info Bluetooth Special Interest Group Formed May 20, 1998 Liaison #1 July 7, /253 Liaison #2 September 15, /300 Liaison #3 October 26, /350 (Minutes only) Liaison #4 December 14, 1998 J. Carlo 802 Overview to Bluetooth SIG Liaison #5 March 9, /053 Tutorial Liaison #6 July 1, /028 Letter Of Intent Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

14 HomeRF Report Telecon E-Mail’s to HomeRF E-Mail’s from HomeRF
July 1999 HomeRF Report Telecon March 22, 1999 Tim Blaney, no minutes ’s to HomeRF Miscellaneous ’s from HomeRF Next Steps July 15, 1999 Dallas, TX USA August 2, 1999 Denver, CO USA RAWCON ‘99 Workshop, confirm attendance Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

15 We reviewed the HomeRF Specification, via Liaison & Public info
July 1999 We reviewed the HomeRF Specification, via Liaison & Public info HomeRF Working Group Formed March 4, 1998 Liaison #1 May 5, /217 Liaison #2 July 7, /251r1 Liaison #3 September 15, /299 Liaison #4 November 26, /360 Liaison #5 January 12, /004r1 (Minutes only) Liaison #6 March 9, /054 Tutorial Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

16 July 1999 IETF MobileIP Insert Bob’s report Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

July 1999 DoT FHWA ITS DSRC Report Insert Bob’s report Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

18 July 1999 ETSI A European standards organization, active in all areas of telecommunications including radiocommunications, broadcasting and Information Technology Created in 1988 Situated in the south of France A not-for-profit organization Professional & market driven Each of our 512 Full/Associate Members can directly participate in the standardization work; 6Jul99 ~583 Exponential increase in deliverables More than 3,500 publications - now freely available! Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

19 ETSI Composition Mar99 512 Full Members from 35 European countries
July 1999 ETSI Composition Mar99 512 Full Members from 35 European countries 51.76% Manufacturers (265) 18.16% Network Operators (93) 9.18% Administrations (47) 3.91% Users (20) 16.99% Service Providers & Others (87) 64 Observers from 18 countries 72 Associate Members from 15 countries Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

20 July 1999 ETSI Mission To be a REGIONAL STANDARDS BODY SENSITIVE TO MARKET NEEDS with an INNOVATIVE and EFFICIENT approach to producing QUALITY STANDARDS in a TIMELY manner Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

21 July 1999 Liaison - BT 2CFP ETSI “Additionally the Bluetooth SIG is currently in discussions with ETSI to develop a world-wide standard based on Bluetooth that covers the entire Bluetooth capabilities stack. If these discussions go forward, then the Bluetooth SIG would like ETSI and IEEE coordinates their efforts so that both standards interoperate.” JimK 1Jul99 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

22 Scenario A Specification Standard Bluetooth L1-7 ETSI L3-7
July 1999 Scenario A 7 Specification Bluetooth L1-7 Standard ETSI L3-7 IEEE 802 L1-2 Application X.400 and X.500 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport Transport Control Protocol (TCP) 3 Network Internet Protocol (IP) Logical Link Control (LLC) 2 Hardware Data Link Medium Access Layer (MAC) Software Physical Layer 1 Physical (PHY) ISO OSI IEEE 802 Layers Standards Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

23 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
July 1999 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks Internal Liaison Report Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

24 IEEE P802.15 Liaison with P802.1 and P802.2
July 1999 doc.: IEEE /029 July 1999 IEEE P Liaison with P802.1 and P802.2 Reasons for Liaison: Bluetooth (at least) will have LLC and bridging work needed Need to determine who will be able to help with expertise Need to determine where work will be done Task Group OR 802.1 and 802.2 Need to determine approval process P802 Originating Organization Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

25 July 1999 P802.1 Report Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

26 P802.2 Report July 1999 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/029 July 1999
Tom Siep, Texas Instruments Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

27 P802.11 Report Telecon & Meetings E-Mail’s to P802.11
July 1999 doc.: IEEE /029 July 1999 P Report Telecon & Meetings Collocated Meetings/Various both Informal/Formal ’s to P802.11 Miscellaneous July 7, 1999 Joint Meeting 1:00pm to 2:00pm ’s from P802.11 July 7, 1999 Joint Meeting 1:00pm to ~2:00pm (w/ FCC NPRM ) Next Steps Host May00 Interim Meeting Submission September 13-17, 1999 Santa Rosa, CA USA, Collocated .11/.15 Tom Siep, Texas Instruments Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

28 Liaison Negotiations Bluetooth SIG HomeRF HRF-Lite ETSI
July 1999 Liaison Negotiations Bluetooth SIG Continue ongoing liaison Resolving Copyright & IPR Draft a mutual timeline, circulate to SIG for approval Next Meeting Date Summer 1999 HomeRF HRF-Lite Next Meeting Date ?, 1999 ETSI Contact? Liaison Letter Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

29 Observation #1 ~50 Attendees >1? >1? ~900 Bluetooth Promoters
July 1999 Observation #1 ~50 Attendees >1? >1? ~900 Bluetooth Promoters Adopters or SIG Members ~90 HomeRF Adopters, Participants/Core Members Bluetooth Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

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