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Volume Unit of Study: Measure and Estimate Volume and Mass

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1 Volume Unit of Study: Measure and Estimate Volume and Mass
Global Concept Guide: 2 of 2

2 Content Development Students need to be able to estimate and measure masses of objects using the standard unit liters (L). Students do not need to be able to convert between unit. Students need to be able to solve one-step word problems involving masses within the same unit. Problems will not include two different units. Problems will not include multiplicative comparison problems.

3 Content Development Students need practice in reading the scales on measuring tools since the markings may not always be in intervals of one. The scales may be marked in intervals of two, five, or ten. Use water colored with food coloring so that the water can be seen in a beaker. Be sure that students have opportunities to pour liquids into different size containers to see how much liquid will be in certain whole liters. Show students containers and ask, “How many liters do you think will fill the container?” Many of the topics in the unit align with science standards. Students should be familiar with topics in this unit from science class.

4 Content Development Students should estimate volume before actually finding the measure. Remember that the goal is for the students to develop a concept of liquid volume. According to Van de Walle (2006). “Children often confuse “holds more” with “taller” or “fatter,” even though these may be misleading attributes. This is why a variety of container shapes not only adds interest but also can contribute to student understanding. (p. 239)

5 Day 1 During Day 1 students estimate liquid volumes connecting them to everyday life. Use food coloring to make measuring the water easier. Use a large pan to collect spillage. Have a variety of water containers available for students to estimate and compare. Have examples of what a liter looks like. You can you liter soda bottles or find other liter equivalents. Fill It Up This lesson works well for Day 1.

6 Day 2 For Day 2 students can answer questions relating to volume.
More Punch, Please! is a good lesson to use for Day 2. To make a science connections you can use the lesson Rising Raisins. Allow students to see that a container that hold 1L can be a variety of shapes, tall or short.

7 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention
Allow students to actually pour liquid from one container to the other to see how different shaped containers can hold the same volume. If water is a problem students can use dried beans as the filler. Have students return their pours to the original container to verify that it did remain 1L. Enrich Allow students to create their own punch recipe. The Raising Raisins activity is a great enrichment.

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