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Waddington’s epigenetic landscape

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1 Waddington’s epigenetic landscape

2 Consider your temperament and its impact on your adult relationships
Go to: Click on the free Keirsey temperament sort in the upper right-hand corner Complete and come to class on Thursday with a 1-2 sentence summary of your results and reaction to the results

3 Temperament Caspi & Moffitt: The New Zealand Study
Purpose: Is there continuity in temperament? Does early temperament predict adult outcomes? Birth cohort assessed from birth to age 21

4 Temperament Identified 3 (+) groups, based on observations, at age 3:
1. Well-adjusted (~40%)-Similar to EASY 2. Undercontrolled (~10%; more boys)-Similar to DIFFICULT 3. Inhibited (~8%; more girls).-Similar to SLOW-TO-WARM UP

5 Temperament: At age 21 Well-adjusted group: At least average on measures of adult interpersonal functioning Under-controlled and inhibited groups: Lower on interpersonal functioning Higher on interpersonal conflict Higher on # of problems and lower on # of strengths Low social support

6 Temperament: At age 21 Undercontrolled more likely to:
be fired; victims of crime; antisocial; described as unreliable; diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (predatory, callous, exploitative behavior) and alcohol dependency Inhibited: less affiliative; low social agency; less engaged and interested in world; more frequently diagnosed with clinical depression; but more conscientious; good work habits; unconflicted romantic relationships

7 Temperament Conclusions:
Different temperamental styles observed at age 3 continued in interpersonal functioning at age 21, BUT: Magnitude of continuity was modest, change occurs for some people Early functioning predicts later functioning but is PROBABILISTIC, not deterministic Lawful discontinuity (goodness-of-fit)

8 Conclusions Development is complicated Low to moderate stability
Greater stability for temperament vs. attachment Greater stability linked to extreme or negative life events (e.g., abuse, depression) Probabilistic, not deterministic

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