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Telehealth Delivery of Medication assisted therapy (MAT) to Maryland’s Rural Communities Kerry Palakanis, DNP, FNP-C CEO Crisfield Clinic/Anchor Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Telehealth Delivery of Medication assisted therapy (MAT) to Maryland’s Rural Communities Kerry Palakanis, DNP, FNP-C CEO Crisfield Clinic/Anchor Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telehealth Delivery of Medication assisted therapy (MAT) to Maryland’s Rural Communities
Kerry Palakanis, DNP, FNP-C CEO Crisfield Clinic/Anchor Health Services


3 MAT for Opioid Use Disorder is often compared to management of Type 2 diabetes, asthma, or hypertension in primary care—a chronic disease, prone to relapse, that must be managed across time. Really no more complicated, but less familiar. Elements needed to provide MAT: 1) Providers with prescription authority; 2) Counseling and psychosocial services; 3) Care coordination; and 4) Consulting resources to address complex cases These elements may be provided in person, via telehealth, or through referral. You can adapt a model to fit your local setting so long as you include the elements above

4 Overall health and well-being is influenced by and dependent upon the community in which we live and work. In order to understand identified health indicators and disparities of a community, it is imperative to understand the geographical location, demographic population, and socioeconomic factors.

5 Anchor Health Services Program
Block hours of availability, also same day available Behavioral Health sends appointment schedules by Friday Use SimpleVisit Platform (HIPAA Compliant) for telehealth. LPN or MA at Behavioral Health site collects vital signs on patients, performs drug screens, provides Vivitrol injections under telehealth supervision, and works as liaison to provide support information to Anchor Health Services. Behavioral Health location is originating site for visit, primary site for behavioral health counseling Anchor Health Services is distance provider site for visit.

6 Coding/Billing/Reimbursement
Standard E/M codes – ; Time component and complexity direct code Billing for visits: Behavioral Health bills as originating site. They also bill for drug screening and counseling services in normal fashion. Anchor Health Services bills standard E/M codes for medication management.

7 Disadvantages Data 2000 Waiver limits number of patients who can be served per provider Engagement of originating site is critical to success Information exchange with two different EHRs cumbersome No Shows still an issue Other health & access will arise

8 1 2 3 4 5 Advantages No special telehealth equipment required
Good way to “ease” providers and patients into telehealth 2 Easy to grow program/expand services 3 Reimbursement = Sustainability 4 High Patient Satisfaction 5

9 Questions? Feel free to reach out to me at: Kerry Palakanis, DNP, FNP-C Cell: (443)

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