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How can Pecha Kucha be useful?

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Presentation on theme: "How can Pecha Kucha be useful?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?

2 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
As an alternative to panel discussions Each panelist presents a pecha kucha for their main points prior to breaking into Q&A or roundtable discussions Example: Tech services panel presentation at Como. Good for point-counterpoint discussions

3 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
To add a lively segment to a presentation If you have a 45-minute slot at a conference. You could pecha kucha for a short, focused presentation and then use the rest of the time for questions and discussion. One of the complaints about AALL is not enough time for interaction among audience members rather than one-sided presentations. CW & WM’s team work AALL last year Use it to get through the mundane, but essential, aspects of the meeting, such as the year in review, and the state of the libraries address

4 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
For learning assessment At the conclusion of a training session, have each learner present a pecha kucha-style summary of what they learned. To share conference learnings

5 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
Teambuilding Staff could use the format to introduce themselves to their teammates Present what a department does and how it fits into the larger organization. to share a problem they're experiencing. to de-construct a completed project or to reflect on an experience the team has shared. To share something they've learned

6 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
Good training for preparing a longer presentation Your first pass at a longer presentation. Good practice or creative warm up. Good training and good practice for anyone involved in delivering to others. Great for honing and synthesizing your argument before a jury trial.

7 How can Pecha Kucha be useful?
Add variety to conferences Recent Cali conference used Ignite (knock off version of Pecha Kucha) with several presenters for one of their plenary sessions. At a conference, offer six-minute Pecha Kuchas of each of the day's sessions during the opening general session so people can get an idea of both the topics and the presenter's personality/style.

8 Can I See That Again? Another Pecha Kucha Example

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