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China vs. Japan in an age of transition

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1 China vs. Japan in an age of transition

2 Introductory Question
What about Christianity makes it potentially threatening to a Confucian society?

3 Ming China Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
Return of Confucian examination system Initially suspicious of scholar-gentry, but accepted necessity Government posts, imperial academies, regional colleges restored Hongwu – first Ming Emperor


5 The Ming & court corruption
Hongwu limited influence of scholar-gentry Centralized power – no Chief Minister Humiliating and harsh punishments for abuses of power or failure Imperial wives from humble families Number of eunuchs limited Censorship Later rules let changes lapse

6 Peasants under the Ming
Some policies to improve life of peasants Infrastructure New, untaxed lands Lowered forced labor demands Handicraft industries Supplementing household incomes


8 Peasants & Women – the reality
Exploitative landlords Forced to become tenants or landless laborers Subordination of women Draconian laws forced obedience Upper class women’s status = making male children Upper class women allowed education but barred from official jobs

9 Retreat from expansion
Missions of Zheng He withdrawn Policy of isolation after 1390 Navy allowed to decline Overseas commerce limited

10 Europeans in China Franciscans and Dominicans tried to convert masses
Jesuits aimed at elites Shared scientific and technical knowledge Not very successful

11 Ming Decline Late 1500’s – in decline Inferior leadership & corruption
Failure of public works  flooding of Yellow River Starvation & rebellion Exploitation by landlords increased malaise 1644 – fall of dynasty to Chinese rebels Invasion by northern nomads – Manchu – establish Qing dynasty (rule by foreigners)

12 Japan Reunified 16th century Nobunaga uses firearms to depose Ashikaga Shogunate but killed Hideyoshi continued & became master of Japan 1590, invaded Korea twice (failed) Tokogawa Ieyasu appointed Shogun 1603, established last Shogunate – Tokogawa Long period of civil wars ended, unity restored Emperor still just a figurehead

13 Hideyoshi

14 Battle of Nagasino

15 Fending off the west: Japan
1580’s – official measure to limit western influence Christian missionaries ordered out Japanese Christians persecuted 1614 – Christianity officially banned Merchants limited to few cities Japanese ships not allowed overseas Western books banned

16 Japan’s Isolation 18th century – School of National Learning
Rejected neo-Confucianism Indigenous culture: Shinto

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