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Historical Review of Dual and Multiple Completions

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Review of Dual and Multiple Completions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Review of Dual and Multiple Completions
By Joe Dunn Clegg 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

2 History Early Days (1859 to 1900)
Spindletop & East Texas: RRC & Proration After WW II: Commingling & Dual Approval The 1950’s & 60’s: Hard times : Duals + The 1960’s: Computers and Offshore The Good Years: 1970 to 1984 Reality and Profitability Using the Best Technology 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

3 Multiple Zones One zone: Only single possible
Two or more zones: Development Plan Needed--How best to produce reserves. Aggie approach: Singles & Plug-Back Well for each zone (expensive) Mix of singles, duals, multiples and …..recompletions. 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

4 Multiple Zones Objective: to make more production with less initial costs & less operating expenditures .…make more money Applicable for only limited rates in certain environments….. 2”x 2” for < 1000 bpd x 1000 bpd Avoid large mismatches in depth and pressure ….…D depths < 10%; D gradients < 10% Review potential operating problems/costs Key often a long flowing life Dual artificial lift & workovers usually a problem $ 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

5 Annulus- Tubing Dual for flowing wells Packer Leakage Tests?
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

6 Annulus- Tubing Dual with Cross-Over Flow Coupling Cross-over Packer
Landing Nipple Blast Joint Polished Nipple No-Go Nipple Perforations Annulus- Tubing Dual with Cross-Over 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

7 Fad in the 1960’s Work-Overs? Secondary Recovery? Unitization?
Courtesy Otis Fad in the 1960’s Work-Overs? Secondary Recovery? Unitization? Little Operating Cost Data Available 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

8 Exxon Special Multiple “Tubingless” Completion 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop
Joe Dunn Clegg

9 Concentric Dual Completion Tubing Upper Zone OK for Flowing Zones i.e.
Gas Wells Lower Zones 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

10 Dual Parallel Gas-Lift Survived the test of time 11
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg 11

11 Dual Parallel Gas-Lift w/concentric tbg. string Upper Zone Production
Normal gas injection Lower Zone Production x Lift Gas o 12 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

12 Proposed Dual Parallel Gas-Lift x X X 9 5/8”Csg 3 1/2” OD Tbg w/ W/Gas
Injection String & 1.9” OD Tbg Special Crossover (Hydraulic) (Permanent) 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg 13

13 Three Tubing String Dual Gas-Lift Casing Size? Rigid <90’
(Hydraulic) Rigid <90’ (Hydraulic) (Permanent) 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg Outz & Osmus

14 Dual Rod Pumping: One Beam Unit
Schematic Sucker-rod string Upper Zone Production Upper Zone Gas Lower Zone Production Liquid & Gas Upper Zone Lower Zone Circulating Sleeve Upper Pump Seal Lower Pump o 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

15 Head to Head Dual Beam Rod Pumps 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

16 Triple Beam Rod Pumps 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

17 Head to Head Dual For Triple Units Single Dual Head
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

18 Dual Hydraulic Commingled Production Lower Zone All Production +
Power Fluid All Production + Power Fluid 9 5/8” Csg Upper Zone Power Fluid Commingled Production Upper Zone 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Lower Zone Joe Dunn Clegg

19 Dual Hydraulic Pumping: No vents Production lower pump +
all power fluid Production upper zone Power fluid for upper pump UP Power fluid for lower pump LP Dual Hydraulic Pumping: No vents 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

20 Hypothetical Dual ESP Installation Upper Zone Pump Perforations
Packer Lower Zone Pump Feasible but not Practical Upper Zone o o Lower Zone 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

21 Multilateral Dual Upper Zone Lateral Lower Zone Opposed Multilateral
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

22 Multiple Completion: Commingled Zones One Tubing String
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

23 My Conclusions Singles or Commingling Preferred
Duals are profitable for selected cases Multiples (>2) are seldom justified over well life except for flowing wells Most successful high rate (> 200 BPD) artificial lift: ...Gas Lift Savings on drilling costs are often lost due to higher operating costs, higher workover costs and lost reserves Multiple completions increase stress 2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

24 The Winner Duals Singles Multiples Flowing Wells Special Cases
2004 Gas-Lift Workshop Joe Dunn Clegg

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