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Grad 2019!.

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Presentation on theme: "Grad 2019!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grad 2019!

2 Agenda Welcome Admin Reminders Grad requirements Scholarships
Valedictory Ceremony

3 Admin Reminders Walking the stage is a fun ceremony, not actual graduation. In order to participate in walking the stage, students must: Have Grad Transitions completed. Distance Ed courses 2/3 completed at a minimum of 50%. Be making a reasonable effort in all current courses.

4 Required Courses: Career Life Education10 Physical Education 10
English 10 English or EFP 11 English or EFP 12 plus Provincial exam Social Studies 10 a Social Studies 11 or 12 a Mathematics 10 a Mathematics 11 Science 10 a Science 11 a Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 Career Life Connections 12 3 additional grade 12 courses Numeracy assessment

5 Other Course Requirements
Elective Credits Minimum of 80 credits overall Minimum of 16 grade 12 credits

6 Graduation VS Post Secondary
Grad requirements mean you have successfully met BC Ministry of Education requirements for a dogwood (16 & 80.) This DOES NOT MEAN you have met post secondary entry requirements for specific institutions (20+ & 84+).

7 Scholarships/Post Secondary
Mrs. LaMarre and Mrs. Clark contacts Scholarships are based on academic achievement and Bursaries are based on financial need Please sign up for updates on the provided sheet. The school district awards opens on January 16th and closes on February 27th. SD website – District Awards to view the booklet from last year.

8 Valedictory Ceremony May 31, 2019
Graduates 11:15 at CN Center. Ceremony starts at 1 pm. Doors open for parent seating at 12:15. 6 free tickets with grad gown. extra tickets available for purchase at front office Grad fee $ paid in office. Reception to follow – 3:15 – 4:15 at CN Centre

9 Valedictory Ceremony Grad gowns and caps given to students 1 week prior. Grad gowns MUST be handed in immediately after the ceremony. WD West at PGSS beginning of December to book grad photo appointments.

10 Valedictorian Nominate candidates. (forms will be available in counselling) Candidates who accept will preview speech for selection panel. Valedictorian chosen by panel vote.

11 Performers and Singers
Application forms available in counselling. Students will perform for selection panel. A variety of talent is welcomed, singers and music are both needed. No set limit on number of performances.

12 Dry Grad and Prom Hosted by parents, not school sponsored.
First meeting next Wednesday, October 24th at 7:00pm in the PGSS library.

13 Grad Executive A group of grade 12’s representing their class.
The decision makers. The promoters. Fund raisers. -GET INVOLVED – Please sign up in counselling!

14 To Do Friend us on Facebook to stay up-to-date and receive reminders – Graduation Gurus. Send a baby/toddler photo to Mrs. Clark –

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