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Success Factors Recruitment Management
In this training we will introduce you to: The Recruiting system
TODAY’S AGENDA In this training we will introduce you to: The Recruiting system Creating Job Requisitions Requisition Approval Process Accessing Candidate Applications Rating Candidates Our goal today is to get you familiar with the SuccessFactors Recruitment Management system and provide you with resources to assist you in the process. We realize that once you leave class today, you may still have questions. Please know that our recruitment office is available to assist you at any time. Also, job aids and tools will be accessible to assist you as well.
SuccessFactors recruiting management is the applicant tracking program used to initiate requisitions and to view all applicant information, as well as record interview results. Access through My Johns Hopkins system Manage recruiting activities Receive notifications Recruitment staff will use the system from application to hire, allowing the recruitment staff to follow candidates through all steps of the recruitment process. Access is through a secure, online, centralized access to all recruiting processes. Quick, efficient way to track candidates and requisitions (share examples if you have any) Improvement to current process (talk about how the process will change at your organization) You will be able to access SuccessFactors through the My Johns Hopkins portal. It will be single sign on just like with SAP. This is the site where you will manage all your recruitment activities. As recruiters and managers move candidates through the process, notifications will be sent to keep you up to date. For instance, when a recruiter places candidates in your portal for you to review, you will receive an automatic instructing you to go into SuccessFactors to review the applications.
Recruiting Management Process
From creating a job requisition to hiring a candidate, the typical job requisition progresses through the following steps: Define Approve Source Search Apply Evaluate Interview Decision Offer Accept Complete Interview Central Job Requisition Process Job Post Internal and External Portal Candidate Application and Profile Candidate Pipeline Interview Assessment Offer Approval and Letter
Recruiting Roles in SuccessFactors
Originator Hiring Manager Others Invited to Interview Recruiter Originator Initiates job requisition, completes required fields such as position number, org unit and department, shift, etc., and then initiates the approval process. Hiring Manager Can also initiate requisitions Approves requisitions Reviews applicants’ resumes. Reviews interviewers’ assessments. Makes a hiring selection from candidates interviewed. Recruiter Completes HR only requisition fields and posts job requisition internally, externally, or both. Reviews all internal and external candidates. Moves applicants to the next step in the process who have met minimum qualifications to hiring manager. Processes background/reference checks. Dispositions candidates appropriately and closes job requisition when candidate is hired.
Recruiting on the Home Page
When you log in to the system, you will notice you have access to both Recruiting and Performance. However, the Home page does provide a central location to access job requisitions and recruiting processes. The Recruit New Talent section of the To-Dos list links to items where your action is required (e.g., job requisitions, interview assessments, etc.). On the Home page, you have access to recruiting tools: Click the Home drop-down menu. Select Recruiting.
Recruiting Module Resources in Recruiting module include:
1 3 Job Requisitions - Lists job requisitions in which you are an operator or approver. Click a job title link to view the job requisition and candidates that applied to the requisition. Candidates - Search the organization for internal and external individuals. Interview Central – Invite others to participate in the interview process. Resources in Recruiting module include: Job Requisitions Candidates Interview Central
JOB REQUISITIONS The Job Requisitions tab is used to:
Review and manage job requisitions Use Filter and Display options 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 “Create New” is where you click to initiate a requisition. Job title links will link you to the requisitions and candidates associated with that requisition Search function to find the requisition you are seeking Filter and Display wheel. You can filter to search based on title, requisition number, hiring manager, etc. The display options allows you to customize what you see on your screen. Requisition number Candidates column will let you know the number of candidates who have applied for the position. Will also indicate if there are new applications for you to review. Progress Bar – shows how far along in the process you are. If you are near the end where you are checking references/background, the majority of the blocks will be filled in . . .
Job requisitions title and Req id
1 3 4 6 7 2 5 Job requisitions are listed by the internal job title along with system assigned Req ID and other information. Create New link Job requisitions title and Req id Filter job requisitions Filter and Display Options Job title opens a job requisition Candidates(#) link Progress bar Click the Create New link to create a new job requisition. Once created, job requisitions are listed by internal Job Title and system assigned Req Id. Use drop-down menu to filter job requisitions by pending approval, open, and closed status. Use drop-down menu to select Filter Options, to locate job requisitions, and Display Options, to change how requisition information is displayed. Click a Job Title link to open a job requisition or hover over the Job Title link to view Requisition and Candidate Actions that can be taken (a pop-up window displays). Add pop-up content (see next slide) Click the active Candidates(#) link to view a list of candidates who applied to position and their applications. The (#) lists the number of active candidate applications for the position. The Progress bar tracks approved job requisitions through the application process.
View or Edit Requisition - Open the requisition
View or Edit Requisition - Open the requisition. During the approval process it may be edited. Candidate Summary - Manage the internal and external candidates that have applied to the position. Job Postings – view the job postings associated with this position.
Creating Job Requisitions
To create a job requisition: Create New Job Requisition From Blank Template Copy Existing Job Requisition 2 To create a job requisition: Click Create New on the Job Requisitions tab. A new screen appears. You will have two options for creating a new job requisition. Create New Job Requisition From Blank Template - Use a blank job requisition to start the process from scratch. We will show you how to do this in this course, but you will also have the following options in the Recruiting system. Copy Existing Job Requisition - Copy an existing requisition and customize it to create a new one. Click Create New Job Requisition From Blank Template to use a blank job requisition to start the process from scratch. A new window opens. Enter Job Title. Enter Due Date for approval. List job requisition approval participants (i.e., Hiring Manager and Recruiter). Click Next. The job requisition form will open.
Job Requisition Form Each job requisition form contains fields to enter position details. The operators add information to the form to build the job requisition as it progresses through the approval process. Key features of the job requisition form include: Information sections to outline the details of the position. Form tools include Print, Save, and Delete the requisition. Route Map displays the job requisition approval process. The current step is highlighted in green. Send options move the job requisition through the requisition approval process.
Creating Job Requisitions
1 2 3 4 To complete the job requisition, enter information about the position (Job Requisition Description): Enter Internal Job Title. This title will be displayed to employees when searching for positions. Enter External Job Title if different, or click Same as Internal. The external job title will be displayed to job candidates outside of Johns Hopkins. Enter Internal Job Description. Enter External Job Description or click Same as Internal. Enter information about the location of the position and other job details using the text fields and drop-down menus. Note: Mandatory fields have a red asterisk 5
Job Requisition Approval Process
Add Modifier When done, selects Submit for HR/Final Review 4b 3 2 4a 1 Add Approverto add an individual to the form approval process. When all approvers required in the process have approved the requisition, the last step is the recruiter. Selects Send to Final Step/HR Approval. Create Requisition Approvers HR
Add Approver 1 2 3 When Add Approver is clicked, a new window opens. To add a modifier: Use drop-down menus and text fields to identify the individual. Click Search Users. Click button to select the individual. Click Add Selected. A confirmation window opens. Click Save Changes to add the individual to the approval workflow. This is the time to discuss the approval process for your affiliate. The last step will always be HR (the recruiter assigned to the requisition). You should provide a listing of your recruiters and their recruitment assignments so that managers select the correct recruiter when creating the requisition. 4 5
You can manage your Job Requisitions within the Job Requisitions tab.
1 2 Use the drop-down menu to sort the job requisitions that are displayed. Note: if the filter has been set previously, you should click on clear all filters so that your search will be conducted properly. Click the Information icon on the job requisition to view the form’s audit trail.
When the job requisition is approved, the recruiter posts it to internal and/or external job sites
Job Posting 1 2 1 4 2 Mouse over the Job Title link on the Job Requisitions tab to view the Requisition Actions menu. Click the Job Postings link. The job requisition may be posted: Internally - Employees on the Careers module. Externally - External candidates on the recruiting site 3. Enter Posting Start and End Dates. Click Post Job to activate the job postings. 3
Careers Module 1 2 3 4 5 6 There are many resources in the Careers module: Job Search: Search for job listings. Job Applications: Apply to a job listing. Saved Jobs: View job listings you have saved but not yet applied to. Saved Search/Alerts: Create alerts to be notified when new jobs are posted. My Candidate Profile: Create your own candidate profile for talent searches within the organization. Saved Applications: View your saved applications.
Careers Module External candidates will use our Career Opportunities website to search for and apply to positions. If a candidate has never applied through SuccessFactors previously, they will need to complete a candidate profile. The profile is used to populate the application form. Once the profile has been completed and the candidate visits the site in the future to apply for more positions, it will take the candidate approximately 5 minutes to complete the application. Click Sign In, or Create an account to create your candidate profile. Once your account is created, enter your Username and Password. Click Sign In to enter the system. Once signed in, they will Click a Job Title link to view the details of the position. Use the Actions drop-down menu to apply to the job listing, save job listing, or job to friend. Click Search Again to conduct a new search for job listings.
Viewing Candidates When the Candidates (#) link is clicked on the Job Requisitions tab a new window will open. 3a 1 2 3b In the new window you are able to: View a list of Internal and external candidates along with their with application status. Click a candidate’s name to view and manage the candidate’s application Click a candidate’s check box (3a) and select Move Candidate (3b) in the Action drop-down menu in order to forward their application to the next step in the recruiting process.
Talent Pipeline Candidate Application 5 2 1 4 3
To view a candidate’s application: Click the candidate’s name to view application. Click these links to view his/her cover letter and resume. Use Status drop-down menu to forward application to next step or close the application. Will show Jobs Applied, Correspondence, Offer Letter, Application Status Audit Trail and Tags. The Talent Pipeline identifies where candidates are in the job requisition process. Click a pipeline segment to view candidates at that step (number of candidates is listed below each step). Click pipeline arrows to view all job requisition process steps. Click the View all candidates (#) link to view all the candidates. 8 7 6
Processing Applications
Recruiter Review Either dispositions or Forwards to Hiring Manager Hiring Manager reviews Moves to Manager Disposition bucket and indicates whether they want to interview the candidate or why they are not interested in interviewing Review the candidate’s application, cover letter and resume. Use the Status drop-down menu to select the next step for the candidate. When done, click Save. The system will automatically participants with required actions If you want to quickly view resumes, you can click on the boxes next to the candidate names, then select “view resumes” from the “Action” drop down. If candidates attached resumes, you will be able to scroll through them quickly if you desire to do so. When done, click Save. The system will automatically participants with required actions.
Interview Step From the Interview step, you can invite others to participate in the interview process and rate the candidates performance in the interview. Interview is the step where candidates are interviewed and evaluated. Click Set up Interviewers to enter names of interviewers, their interview dates and send interviewers the candidate’s resume and cover letter (a new screen opens). Note: When you use the functionality to invite others to interview candidates and notify them of the date/time of the interview, this does NOT link to Outlook so it does not put the appointment on your calendar. Candidates must be in the “interview bucket” for this functionality to work. Both the recruiter or the manager can access the invitation to invite others to participate in the interview process. (Educate your managers as to what the process will be at your affiliate)
Setting up Interviewers
1 3 2 4 When Set up Interviewers is clicked, a new window opens: Click the Add link. Enter interviewer’s name. Enter interview date. Use check boxes to select attachments to include in the notification . Click Send to send the message to the interviewers. 5
Invite Candidates to Interview Using Email Templates
1 2 3 4 5 Whether the manager or the recruiter sends the invitation to interview will depend on the process at your organization. Invite Candidates to Interviews To send interview invitations to candidates: Click on the candidate’s application. Use drop-down menu to select an template. Enter ’s subject. Enter message, including proposed interview times and interviewer names. Click the Attach a document link to add materials to the . Click Next to preview the . In the preview window, click Send. A confirmation message appears. Click I’m Done to return to the candidate’s application. 7 6 8 9
Interview Central tab Interviewers may access information regarding the candidate and the interview prior to conducting the interview. After the interview, interviewers assess the candidate. The hiring manager and recruiter then review the interviewers’ assessments. 1 2 3 6 5 4 To use Interview Central: Click the Interview Central tab in the Recruiting module. All the open and closed interview requests are listed. Interviews are organized by job title. Click the arrow to the left of the job title to expand the view. On the day of the interview, click Print and Go! to create materials for the interview. After the interview, click Rate Now to evaluate the candidate. Overall Ratings visually summarize the hiring recommendation.
Print and Go Pack 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Information and features included in the Print and Go pack include: Interviewers’ names Candidate’s name Job title of position applying to Date of interview Hiring manager Job description and responsibilities Job competencies Resume Print the Print and Go pack 7
Ratings 1 After the interviews, interviewers rate and comment on each candidate’s capabilities. 6 7 3 2 To conduct the interview assessment, click the candidate’s Rate now link. The Rate now window opens. Use the rating buttons to rate the candidate on the competencies identified. Enter comments on key points from the interview to support the rating. The candidate’s Overall Rating is automatically calculated. Provide an overall recommendation by clicking Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down. Use Stack Ranker drop-down menu to compare candidates’ ratings on individual competencies or order candidates by overall ratings. Click Save. Click I’m Done. The feedback will be accessible to the recruiter and hiring manager 4 5 8
Ratings 1 The Recruiter and Hiring Manager access the job requisition on the Job Requisitions tab to review the interviewers’ ratings and feedback on the candidates. 2 3 4 To review Candidates’ ratings: Click the View Candidate Ratings (#) link on the job requisition to view how interviewers rated candidates. Candidates’ individual and overall ratings are displayed. Use Stack Ranking drop-down menu to compare candidate’s ratings on individual competencies or order candidates by overall ratings. The overall candidate recommendation is displayed as Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down.
Completing the Recruiting Process
2 1 When a candidate has been selected for the job, the Recruiter will initiate the offer process. This process may vary between affiliates so you need to educate your managers about your process (background check/references first, then offer or vice versa, etc. Recruiter: Updates the candidate’s application status to Offer. Selects Offer Approval from the Offer drop-down menu
When the candidate accepts the offer, the Recruiter updates each candidate’s application status.
2 For the candidate that accepts the job offer, change their candidate application Status to Hired. Recruiter fills in date of hire, dates of orientation, dates of service excellence (if application), pay rate, etc. This information is used to populate the offer letter. Recruiter (or manager if that is your process) dispositions any candidates not yet dispositioned. 1a 1b
Candidate’s offer letter
1 2 6 Select Offer Letter from the Offer drop-down menu on the candidate’s application. A new window opens. Select the Offer template from the drop-down menu. Customize and personalize the offer letter with additional details. Click Attach a document, if needed. When done, click Next Step. Click the button to extend offer ( , Print (i.e., mail) or Verbal Offer). The offer is recorded in the candidate’s application. Click I’m Done. 3 7 4 5
The Recruiter removes the job posts and marks the job as filled
Click the Job Postings (#) link on the job requisition on the Job Requisitions tab. Click Remove Post for each job post. When the job requisition is ready to be closed, the job requisition’s Status is changed to Filled. This is a manual process for the recruiter to complete. The requisition status is found on the pipeline page (around the middle) and is a drop down box.
Resources Available http://www. hopkinsmedicine
A webpage has been developed to keep you updated on news related to SuccessFactors Recruiting Management. Job aids as well as this powerpoint presentation are accessible on the site. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact (TBD by each affiliate).
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