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Energy JC Physics.

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1 Energy JC Physics

2 Energy is measured in Joules (J).
What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work or move something. Energy is measured in Joules (J).

3 Energy can exist in many forms. What are the different forms of energy?

4 Forms of Energy 1. Heat energy Moves mercury in a thermometer
Heat produced by burning petrol moves a car. The Sun is our main source of energy

5 2. Light Also called Radiant Energy Comes from sun
Gives plants energy to grow and make food Works Crooke’s Radiometer Solar panels change sunlight into electricity

6 3. Electrical Most convenient form
It can easily be used to “do things” Light bulbs Drive cars TV and radio Make heat

7 4. Chemical Used for heat and light Drives machines [steam engines]
Explosives We get our energy from food Energy stored in food or fuel is released when the atoms are rearranged In oil, coal, gas, petrol etc. it is released when they are burned

8 Nuclear Energy

9 5. Nuclear (a) Split up - [Fission] or (b) Join together - [Fusion]
Energy released when the nucleus of atoms (a) Split up - [Fission] or (b) Join together - [Fusion] When Uranium atoms are split [Fission] In the Sun hydrogen atoms join to make helium [fusion] Both release lots of energy and this can be used to make electricity.


11 6. Sound Causes windows to rattle when you turn CD player up to full volume Yodelling in Austria moves mountains i.e. can cause an avalanche.

12 7. Kinetic The energy of movement – the energy moving things have
The wind A car driving along the road A child swinging or dancing The window rattling A bullet as it leaves a gun A golf ball when it is struck

13 8. Potential Energy position shape composition
Potential Energy in an object is its stored energy because of its: position shape composition

14 Types of Potential Energy
A spring has potential energy [strain] A man on a diving board - [gravitational] Food, petrol and coal - [chemical] Uranium nucleus - [nuclear]

15 9. Mechanical Energy This is a combination of potential and kinetic
A spring to move a toy car [strain and moving] An aeroplane flying [chemical and moving]

16 What is The Law of Conservation of Energy?
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that: Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another.

17 Energy Conversions Kinetic Chemical Electrical Potential Light Heat
Sound Nuclear Magnetic

18 Other Information The unit of energy is called the Joule - J

19 There are two types of energy!
A renewable source of energy can be replenished in a short period of time. A non-renewable source cannot be replenished in a short period of time.

20 Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources?
Renewable Energy Sources wont run out. Non-renewable Energy Sources will eventually run out.

21 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES NON-RENEWABLE Solar Crude Oil Wind Natural Gas Hydro Peat Biomass Nuclear

22 Advantages Disadvantages

23 Why is it important to try and save energy?
Nisha Kataria - Earth Song (2009)

24 Questions on Energy 1 2

25 3

26 4

27 Experiment To convert Light energy to Electrical energy to Kinetic energy

28 Method Connect the solar cells to the small motor Shine light from the lamp into the solar cells Result? Conclusion?

29 Experiment To convert Chemical energy to Electrical energy to Heat energy

30 Experiment To convert Electrical energy to Magnetic energy to Kinetic energy

31 1. 3. 2.

32 5 6

33 7 8

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