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Dynamics of rotating elliptical galaxies

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1 Dynamics of rotating elliptical galaxies
Flavio De Lorenzi, Victor Debattista, Ortwin Gerhard

2 Questions What are the kinematics of a rotating triaxial elliptical galaxy? Is there a tell-tale signature of figure rotation; or, is it possible to reproduce the projected velocity and dispersion maps with a non-rotating model?

3 The Made-to-Measure (M2M) Algorithm
Assign to each particle an individually adaptive weight Adjust the weights to minimize the deviations from the observables Syer & Tremaine, 1996

4 M2M Algorithm: Implementation
An observable of a particle model is computed by The ´Force of change´ forces the system to match the target-observables It also includes time-smoothing and maximum entropy

5 Working scheme ICs Pot.Solver Int.Parts no yes converged? M2M stop

6 The models Generate a spherical Hernquist particle model from DF Deform to a triaxial distribution (M2M) Spin up the triax model by evolving it in a corotating frame and retaining its shape using the M2M Compute the final kinematic observables Try to build a new non-rotating particle model with the same velocity and dispersion maps

7 Results: Mass Moments and Rotation

8 Results: Kinematic Maps
rotating model non-rotating model The extent of a single field in each axis is -2Reff to 2Reff

9 Conclusions The kinematics is well reproduce within for a
It appears difficult to distinguish between the kinematics of a non-rotating and (even) a rapidly rotating triaxial elliptical galaxy Perhaps increasing the number of particles could affect the result.

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