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Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Era

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1 Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Era
Dr. Afxendiou Global History and Geography 9 Sachem North High School

2 Alexander the Great Alexander was not from Athens, but the Greek city-state of Macedonia. Alexander was a brilliant military strategist. His favorite book was Homer’s Iliad

3 Alexander’s Empire – largest the world had ever seen

4 What is hellenistic civilization?
Alexander What is hellenistic civilization?

5 What happens when cultures collide?

6 Alexander spread Hellenistic culture throughout Asia.
Hellenistic is a fancy word for Greek. Alexander spread Greek technology and ideas throughout his empire

7 The Roman Coliseum has a strong Hellenistic influence.

8 What buildings in the USA have a Hellenistic influence?

9 Lincoln Memorial

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