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Derby Stick Horse Races:

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1 Derby Stick Horse Races:
Newsletter-May 1, 2017 Mrs. Graham & Mrs. Gaskins Upcoming Events: May 2nd 9:00-11:00 Rain Date for Field Day May 4th 1:00 Derby Stick Horse Races May 11th 12:45-2:15 Mini Mall May 12th Time Capsule Items Due May 15th 9:00 Time Capsule Burial May 16th Field Trip May 19th Awards Day 1:00 in the classroom May 19th Last Day of School!  May Birthdays: What We Are Learning: Reading: Our story this week is Grace for President. We will be learning about facts and details in the story. Spelling: We will be spelling words with prefixes. Grammar: We are continuing to learn how to use commas. Math: Many students are finished with all of the 2nd grade math units. They will be working on enrichment activities as others continue to get work completed. Derby Stick Horse Races: We will have stick horse races on May 4th. You may send a toy stick horse with your child, or you may help them make one. There are lots of neat ideas on Pinterest. Graham Gaskins Kadee 5-8 Alyssa 5-20 Breanna 5-9 Ella 5-13 Connor 5-23

2 This will be the last spelling test for this school year! 
Calendar Change: Our last day of school will be Friday, May 19th and it will be a whole day. We will have school that day from 8:00-2:55. Summer Birthdays: Gaskins: June Birthdays Grace 6-11 Jasmin 6-21 Ellie Rose 6-23 Mason 6-26 Graham: Kalvin 6-20 Mahi 6-26 No July Birthdays TCPC 50 Year Time Capsule Look for more information in your child’s folder today regarding the Time Capsule Burial to be held on May 15th at 9:00. Awards Day: Parents are invited to attend our Class Awards Day on May 19th at 1:00 in our classrooms. Spelling Words midair midyear misplace mismatch mislead 11. misdeed midway 12. mistake misprint 13. every midday 14. whole midweek 15. could misbehave This will be the last spelling test for this school year!  Weekly Homework Mon.-Read story from the reading book. Fri.- The spelling packet is due. There is no fluency page to read this week.

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