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Mass Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Media

2 Mass Media *Refers to all the media technologies that are constantly communicating, transmitting information to their audience.

3 Forms of Mass Media Television Newspaper Radio Magazines The Internet

4 Newspaper -Boston New-Letter -Began in Information on Gov’t & Politics - Many times goes further in depth than television. -Today, more than 10,000 newspapers are published in the United States.


6 Most Popular Newspapers
-USA Today -The Washington Post -The Wall Street Journal -The New York Times

7 Magazines General Magazine – 1741 – Benjamin Franklin.
First Political Magazines – Mid 1800’s Harper’s Weekly Atlantic Monthly

8 Magazines - U.S. News & World Report - Time - Newsweek - The Economist

9 RADIO Took off in the 1920’s Became a major form of entertainment
People would plan their schedule around certain radio programs.

10 FDR: Fireside Chats

11 The Internet 2nd only to television for political news and info.

12 Television -Took off in the 1950’s
-Replaced Newspapers as the principal source of political info for a majority of Americans in the early 1960’s. -Now, it’s the principal source of news for an estimated 80% of the population.


14 Television

15 Television

16 Television

17 Media determines the news
Media outlets often shine a spotlight on persons or issues that help their own cause or agenda.


19 Fox News

20 The Media = The Wizard of OZ

21 President briefed daily on what media outlets are covering.

22 Takes EFFORT to Understand what’s going on
- Only 10-15% of voters are well informed on the candidates and the issues involved.

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