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Science Notebooks A step-by-step guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Notebooks A step-by-step guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Notebooks A step-by-step guide

2 On the Front Cover: Write your First and Last Name
My Name (Mrs. Keogh) Your class period Example: Devan Taylor Mrs. Keogh 7th Block

3 At the top and bottom: Write the first letter of your first name followed by a period, then your last name. Example: D.Keogh

4 Open the notebook... Leave the first page blank.
2. On the second and third FRONT pages write “Table of Contents” at the top in the margin.

5 On the fourth page... Write a number 1 at the bottom right-hand corner. Flip the page and write a 2 on the back of that page in the bottom left-hand corner. Number to page 20.

6 Now flip to the last page...
Leave it Blank. On the back of the second-to-last page, write “Brain Boosters.”

7 Binder Tabs: NOtes (red) Vocabulary (clear) Glencoe (blue)
Classwork (orange) Quizzes/Tests (yellow)

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