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A brief for top management Prepared by the Institute of Quality Assurance Integrated Management Special Interest Group Future management is integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "A brief for top management Prepared by the Institute of Quality Assurance Integrated Management Special Interest Group Future management is integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 A brief for top management Prepared by the Institute of Quality Assurance Integrated Management Special Interest Group Future management is integrated

2 2 Introduction The presentation will cover: Current World trends Evolution in approaches to management What integrated management is What is driving integrated management The benefits The leadership challenge

3 3 The World is integrating Markets Communications IT Systems Currencies Professional bodies Services, Manufacturing and technology Transport systems Would management benefit from an integrated and joined up thinking approach?

4 4 Evolution of Management Quality Control Quality Assurance Total Quality Management Stakeholder Informed Integrated Performance Time

5 5 What is integrated management? (1) Integrated management is a holistic, optimal and least action approach to managing an organisation that equitably takes account of: the total business process (core + support + contingency) all types of potential gain and loss all stakeholders

6 6 What is integrated management? (2) Space or time is not perceived as a barrier which naturally results in sustainable processes. Integrated Management is often referred to as: Joined up thinking Smart working

7 7 Where can it be applied? Everywhere including: Conduct of the business process Management system (formal rules and guidance) Organisation culture Managing the knowledge base Corporate leadership Stakeholder relationships Promoting and safeguarding human consciousness

8 8 I.M. Drivers (1 – 4)

9 9 I.M. Drivers (5 – 8)

10 10 I.M. Drivers (9 – 12)

11 11 Overall Benefits (1 - 4) 1.More concise minimalist management system with all aspects adding value without redundancy 2.Enhanced communication through simplicity and uniformity 3.Easier compliance, less violations, greater employee participation and ownership leading to stress reduction and better utilisation of creativity 4.Better quality/risk issues conflict resolution and management

12 12 Overall Benefits (5 - 8) 5.Enhanced stakeholder understanding and satisfaction 6.Accelerated training and reduction in training needs 7.Reduced monitoring (audits/inspections) including certification surveillance 8.Improved management and process transparency leading to more efficient and effective management review and action planning

13 13 Overall Benefits (9 - 12) 9.Faster change dynamics supporting optimal organisational evolution 10.Better implementation and return from initiatives such as the Business Excellence Model, TQM, Investors in People, 6 Sigma, ISO standards & regulations etc. 11.Enhanced competitiveness & business security 12.Increased profitability through lower costs, improved productivity and creativity

14 14 Vision of an integrated management future (1) Gain (quality) maximised and loss (risk) minimised Stakeholders that are mutually aware they are being treated equitably, with no group gaining at the unfair expense of another Fully sustainable operations Uniformity and diversity coexisting

15 15 Vision of an integrated management future (2) Objectives achieved through least action Efficient, effective and creative employees Fully inclusive, nurturing, fulfilling and stress free working environment Minimalist and user friendly management system

16 16 The Leadership Challenge what actions are required? Integrated vision and commitment Integrated mission and strategy Integrated action plan Management of change team Resources and an agreed budget Knowledge (internal or external)

17 17 Conclusion Take an integrated management approach to remain efficient, effective, agile, resilient and competitive to become or remain World Class the future is integrated

18 18 CQI Integrated Management Special Interest Group Established to provide a focus for exchange and dissemination of best integrated management (IM) practice Is open to anybody who is interested in the integrated management and integrated management systems Web site is Groups-SIGs/Integrated-Management-Group/ Groups-SIGs/Integrated-Management-Group/

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