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Critical Use Nominations: Final Recommendations

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1 Critical Use Nominations: Final Recommendations
23rd MOP - Bali Critical Use Nominations: Final Recommendations MBTOC Cochairs: Mohamed Besri Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano Ian Porter Montreal Protocol, MOP-23, November, Bali

2 MB Global Consumption 1991-2010
Non A xxx t A5 - xxx t (approx.) Consumption 2010 Non A xxx t A5 - xxx t (approx.) A2 consumption 2942 t A5 consumption 3998 t Note: Reported Consumption for QPS Uses in Non-A5: 4,945 t ; A5: 5,558 t

3 Progress in A5 Parties in 2010
Reported A5 consumption in 2010 is 3,998 t, and this amount is due for phase out by 2015. This consumption was 25% of the total A5 baseline of approx. 16,000 t. Over the last decade, MB consumption in A5 countries has fallen by about 1000 t per year.

4 Trends in Total Amount (t) of MB Approved or Recommended for Critical Uses (2010 - 2013)
tonnes Overall, CUNs continue to fall from 2010 to 2013 for the remaining nominating Parties.

5 Reductions in Total Amounts of MB (tonnes*) Exempted (CUE) by Party
Includes post harvest *Numbers rounded to nearest tonne

6 Adjustments to CUE Amounts - Consideration of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii)
MB stocks (t) reported at end of: 2005 2010 Australia Canada 3.7 3.4 EC 121.0 - Israel Japan 48.1 6.3 New Zealand 2.8 USA 10,417.0 1,803.0 Total 10,592.7 1,812.7 MBTOC CUE recommendations did not take stocks into account and left this for the Parties to take into account. Stocks reported by USA in 2010 are 2.6 times the 2013 US nomination of 692 t.

7 US Research Sector: Soils and SC
The US made applications for MB quantities for research for 16 preplant soil and commodity trials in and 2013. In its interim assessment, MBTOC considered these CUNs ‘unable to assess’ as there was insufficient information to make a recommendation, except in the cured pork sector for 2012. In July the US revised the nominated amounts from 7.5 t to 2.6 t for 2012 and from 7.5 t to 2.5 t for 2013. After further requests from MBTOC, the US withdrew the research nominations in October as the Party stated ‘it was now possible to conduct the program without a CUE’.

8 23rd MOP - Bali MBTOC Soils

9 MB Preplant Soil Use - 2011 CUNs
Of the 13 CUNs submitted, MBTOC requested further information from the US to support 5 nominations (i.e. eggplants, cucurbits, peppers, tomatoes, strawberry fruit). The US requested further re-evaluation of two nominations (ornamentals, strawberry fruit). Reassessment of the nominations from Australia and Canada were not required.

10 Preplant Soil CUNs (tonnes) submitted for Final Assessment for 2013
Preplant Uses CUN CUE Australia: Strawberry nurseries 29.76 [29.76] Canada: Strawberry nurseries 5.261 [5.261] USA: Cucurbits 3.887 # [3.887] Eggplant 1.381 [1.381] Nurseries (fruit, nut and flower) 0.476 # [0.476] Orchard replant 6.230 [6.230] Ornamentals (open field) 48.2 [40.818] Peppers 5.604 # [5.604] Strawberry fruit [ ] Strawberry nurseries 3.752 [3.752] Tomatoes 9.107 # [9.107] # - USG Revised the nominations downwards and withdrew research nominations 10

11 Recommendations for Preplant Soil Use by Party in 2013(t)
Country CUN 2013 2013 Final Rec. Australia 29.760 [29.760] Canada 5.596 [5.261] USA [ ]

12 Outcome of Final Recommendations for CUEs (tonnes) for Preplant Soils Uses
MB (tonnes) Quantity Nominated for 2013 Not Recommended 78.232 Final Recommendation (*Figures rounded to nearest tonne)

13 Final Recommendations - CUEs
Australia - (Strawberry runners t). Some soilless production adopted. No suitable chemical alternatives registered. Future reductions in MB appear to rely on registration of a MI/Pic. MBTOC Recommends full amount. Canada - (Strawberry runners t). Voluntary dose reduction accepted by grower. No chemical alternatives approved for this region in Prince Edward Island. A minority view (3 members) considered the research efforts insufficient. MBTOC Recommends 93% (or t) US - (9 sectors - Vegetables (4), ornamentals, nurseries, orchard replant, strawberry field and runners t ) made a significant reduction in total amount nominated for soil uses compared to last year (33%). MBTOC Recommends 87%

14 Reassessment of US Nominations
After the interim recommendations, the US advised (15th July, 2011) that it had: Reduced the CUN amounts for 4 nominations for cucurbits, peppers, tomatoes and nurseries Reported to MBTOC that this would be the last CUN for the 4 vegetable sectors Provided new economic information to support CUNs Requested that the nomination for ornamentals be reassessed and the Californian amount reinstated. Requested review of the strawberry CUN

15 CUN Final Recommendation: US Vegetables and Nurseries
During its second meeting, MBTOC accepted the justification provided by the Party for the 4 nominations below. Sector Original CUN Revised CUN July 2011 Final Recom. October 2011 Cucurbits 11.899 3.887 Pepper 5.673 5.605 Tomato 10.741 9.107 Nurseries 0.541 0.476

16 CUN Final Recommendation: US Ornamentals (California)
Nominated Quantity for 2013* 46.950 MBTOC recommendation at OEWG (15% reduction) 39.907 MBTOC final recommendation * In addition, t (25% reduction) was recommended for Florida Recommendation MBTOC considered that for the Californian nomination alternatives, (eg. fumigants at reduced dosages with barrier films, substrates, steam + solarization) are available to support the proposed reduction. 16

17 CUN Final Recommendation: US Strawberry Fruit
Nominated Quantity for 2013* t MBTOC recommendation at OEWG t MBTOC final recommendation* (No consensus) * At the OEWG, the Party was requested to substantiate any increase above the interim recommendation.

18 Strawberry Fruit CUN Final Recommendation (461.186 t).
Further information provided by the Party did not demonstrate that technically and economically feasible alternatives were not available for specific soilborne pathogens, particularly for one area. Party may wish to submit a supplementary bid next round if there is technical justification to show that all available methods of 1,3-D/Pic and Pic, with or without barrier films, are not effective for the circumstances of the nomination (i.e. control Macrophomina and Fusarium in strawberry fruit). Minority view (6 members) Party had substantiated the nomination sufficiently and the authors supported the recommendation in full.

19 Emergency Use Canada Recently, Canada advised the Secretariat that it had issued a permit for 1.9 t of MB under the ‘Emergency Use’ provisions of the Montreal Protocol. The Party stated that this was an unused quantity of the 2010 CUE amount approved for strawberry nurseries that was needed in early 2011.

20 MBTOC Structures and Commodities Final CUN Recommendations
23 MOP - Bali MBTOC Structures and Commodities Final CUN Recommendations

21 2011 CUNs Commodities (4 CUNs) Chestnuts (Japan)
Structures (2 CUNs) Flour mills and cereal processing (Canada and US) Research (1 CUN) (US) Multiple postharvest aspects withdrawn by Party in October 2011 Commodities (4 CUNs) Chestnuts (Japan) Dry cured pork in storages (US) Dried fruit, walnuts and dates (US) Rice (Australia) Parties nominated tonnes for postharvest MB uses in Parties continue to make progress on some CUNs, reducing many MB uses by continuing to resolve the inter-related issues of treatment logistics, costs, trade demands and effectiveness of alternatives. This year there were 6 postharvest critical use nominations. Flour and cereal mills in Canada and the US are the largest CUN sector. 21

22 Final Recommendations for Postharvest CUNs for 2013
Country and Sector (tonnes) Australia. Packaged rice [2.374] Canada. Mills [7.848] Japan. Fresh Chestnuts [3.317] USA 1. Commodities 2. Mills and Food Processing Structures 3. Cured Pork 2013 4. Postharvest and cured pork research in and 2013 [0.822] [25.334] [3.730] [withdrawn] TOTAL [43.425] Australia and Japan both nominated decreases in their CUNs for rice and chestnuts respectively, and in addition committed to new phase out plans which committed to zero MB use by Canada reduced its flour milling CUN by 29% and the US nominated a 66% decrease in its milling and commodities CUNs. Southern dry-cured pork remains as a use for which there is no alternative commercially ready yet, although there is an active research program now working to try to scale up a phosphine treatment. 22

23 The use of methyl bromide in Canadian and American grain and cereal milling continues to be the largest non-QPS postharvest use. MB use for grain and cereal processing in Canada and the US continue to decrease, largely through the adoption of heat treatment and sulfuryl fluoride treatment (SF). Here it is important that you realize this is a log10 scale, the only way to illustrate decreasing trends in both Canada and the US. 23

24 2011 SC CUN Summary -1 Australia rice 2013; Nominated tonnes. Recommended. For use on packaged rice. This represents ~35% decrease of the amount of MB granted by the Parties for this use for This surpasses Australia’s phase-out plan (-25%/yr). Rain in growing regions expected to increase 2011 harvests. Australia will stop using CUN MB in 2014 Canada flour mills 2013; Nominated 7.8 tonnes. Recommended. This is ~29% decrease of the amount granted by the Parties for The CUN is only sufficient for a single treatment of 7-8 of the mills in the application. MBTOC presented the Australia rice and Canada mills CUN recommendations at the OEWG. These nominations were recommended; both Parties nominated significant decreases. 24

25 2011 SC CUN - 3 US commodities 2013; Nominated tonnes. Recommended. For treatment of dried fruit, walnuts and dates. This is a 66% reduction over the amount granted by the Parties for use in The section on Controlled Atmosphere storage in the MBTOC Assessment report may assist the US to achieve this decrease. US mills and processors 2013; Nominated tonnes. Recommended. For use in mills and food processing structures. This represents a 66% reduction in the amount granted by the Parties in The MBTOC-SC Special Report in SF Efficacy may assist the US to achieve this decrease. As indicated previously, the US decreased its nomination for flour mills and dried fruits and nuts by 66%. MBTOC’s recent Progress report with guidance to improve the efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride and on controlled atmosphere in the Assessment report might assist the Party to achieve the reduction. 25

26 2011 SC CUN Summary - 2 Japan chestnuts 2013; Nominated tonnes. Recommended. This is a 5% reduction of the amount of MB granted by the Party for this use in The registrant of methyl iodide (MI) requires more stringent safety controls and modern application methods for MI than are required for MB. As a result, improvements to fumigation chambers and farmer training programs were required. Thus, there have been delays in commercial adaptation. Last year Japan indicated it would stop using CUN MB for chestnuts in 2014. As noted at the OEWG, Japan is working to ensure safe use of alternatives through logistical and farmer training initiatives. Japan has indicated to MBTOC that it would stop using MB in MBTOC recommended the nomination. 26

27 2011 CUN Summary - 4 The Party nominated 3.730 for Cured Pork in 2013
Interim recommendation Unable to assess, pending research results. Final Recommendation tonnes Research timeline and effort, meat storage methods and regulatory issues were reassessed resulting in recommendation. Minority view (1 member) Party had not met the requirements of Decision IX/6 MBTOC was previously unable to assess the US nomination for Southern dry-cured pork in its May report. However, following receipt of information on the US research program and the timing of availability of data, MBTOC was able to recommend the nomination. There is also a minority view in our report. 27

28 Special Report on Efficacy of Sulfuryl Fluoride (SF)
Observed lack of efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride in killing pest eggs in commercial practice. SF adopted by some Parties as the principal alternative to methyl bromide in structural and commodity uses. Lack of full effectiveness of SF against pest eggs contributes to several critical use nominations. MBTOC SC prepared a Special Review, of reported laboratory studies on SF in controlling eggs of stored product insect pests. Review as a basis for analysis and advice for full control of pests by SF in commercial fumigations. These two slides refer to the special report by MBTOC in its Progress Report to provide guidance to improve the effectiveness of sulfuryl fluoride as a pest control method in mills and for commodities. 28

29 MBTOC SC Special Report SF Efficacy
The usual commercial dosage rate of SF is sufficient to give full control (including eggs) of common pests. BUT, it is insufficient to fully control eggs of some common species of stored product insect pests – especially <25˚C. Fumigations which target only 95% efficacy in killing pest eggs can quickly result in severe re-infestation and eventually pest resistance. A 99% kill of infestations, including the egg state is economically necessary and avoids selecting for resistant strains of pests. Commercial conditions such as: cool temperature, leaky structures, presence of packaging materials results in inadequate fumigation. MBTOC is certain that sulfuryl fluoride can be used effectively, but the key to doing so is to ensure temperature is high enough and that dosage is adjusted upwards when some pest species are present. Our report provides extensive tables allowing Parties to determine recommended dosages and temperature combinations depending on the pests present. 29

30 23rd MOP - Bali Economic Issues, Procedural Issues Workplan, Budget 30

31 Economic Issues Alternatives to MB have been economically assessed through the ‘partial financial budget’ analysis. • When the use of an alternative causes the gross margin to decline by more than 15 to 20 % , MBTOC considered the alternative not economically feasible. • For Structures and Commodities, enterprise cost and revenue data is often not available, so only the changes in treatment costs have been taken into account

32 Workplan for 2012 CUN Round CUN 2012 Nominations submitted by Parties
24 January 2012 Questions of clarification to Parties 21 February 2012 CUN 2012 considered at MBTOC meeting China, early March (tentative) CUN 2012 considered at TEAP meeting April 2012 TEAP Report published on web May 2012 OEWG (bilaterals) June 2012 MBTOC meeting further considering CUNs September-October 2012 Final evaluations published &TEAP findings Middle October 2012 MOP November 2012

33 Resourcing Issues Decision XVI/4 Annex 16 requires MBTOC to meet twice a year to review CUNs. We request clarification from the Parties in light of the reductions of CUNs, lack of funding of members, and that meetings can take place electronically. MBTOC cannot hold face to face meetings unless A(5) and Non A(5) members are funded to attend. Resourcing aspects discussed in MBTOC SC Report (October 2011) and in Workplan.

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