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Historical controversy

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1 Historical controversy
A regime resting on terror and intimidation or genuinely popular?

2 Connector Terror Popular

3 Outcomes All to know how the Nazi regime can be considered one of terror or one that was popular Most to handle sources independently to analyse the controversy Some to be aware of the historical arguments relating to terror vs popularity

4 A regime resting on terror and intimidation
Evidence for (yes it was terror) SS, Gestapo, SD, the role of the security forces, crushing of political opposition, Night of the Long Knives, Reichstag fire, propaganda anti-semitism, censorship, SA, concentration camps Evidence against (no it was not terror) The role of the opposition, the church, youth groups, Nazism as a mass movement, the peoples party, creation of Volksgemeinshaft, propaganda

5 Genuinely popular? Evidence for being popular
Look for- people who won under the living standards, the youth groups, industry, big business, unemployed, election results, membership grew, Nazi organisations Evidence against being popular Propaganada, role of the ordinary German in letting the Nazis take power, rigged elections, use of violence, terror, camps, security forces, racism

6 Sources P135 For each source
Read through, quote, author, interpretation of what they are saying

7 Sources in red book Under each sub heading write down the sources letter and a quote There may be more than examples than this We are pulling all our knowledge together to answer a question

8 Answer example question
“The Nazi regime enjoyed broad consent brought about by popular policies”

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