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Photograms Directions: Answer the questions listed on a separate piece of paper, and turn in when completed.

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Presentation on theme: "Photograms Directions: Answer the questions listed on a separate piece of paper, and turn in when completed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photograms Directions: Answer the questions listed on a separate piece of paper, and turn in when completed.

2 The History The photogram technique is at least as old as the existence of photosensitive surfaces. The real breakthrough for the photogram constitutes the discovery of x-rays by Conrad Röntgen. In the arts, the photogram was explored rather late, after the first World War. The name “photogram” was introduced and established by László Moholy-Nagy in 1925. With respect to Christian Schad and Man Ray who used the technique before Moholy-Nagy, sometimes the technique is also called “schadography” or “rayograph”.

3 Questions 1. What is a photogram? 2. How do you make a photogram?
3. Who invented the photogram process?

4 Basically…. The photogram is a highly differentiated shadow picture fixed directly on a light sensitive surface.

5 Actually… Almost everybody gets in touch with the photogram for the first time during a check-up with his doctor An x-ray is essentially a photogram. It is a fixed shadow of a three-dimensional object on a light-sensitive material.

6 You know.. Conceptually there is a controversy as to whether the photogram is merely an experimental camera-less branch of photography, or if it constitutes its own medium.

7 Questions 4. Do you think a photogram is a type of photograph, or is it a separate art form? 5. Why do you think so?

8 6. What do you need to make a photogram?

9 The one’s who paved the way….

10 Christian Schad 7. What are the defining qualities of Christian Schad’s work? (What do these images have in common?)

11 Man Ray 8. Man Ray is the most famous photogram artist, and was part of the Dada art movement. What is Dadaism? (Look it up on the computer!)

12 ~Examples of Photograms~
Other artists

13 Emilio Amero

14 Markus Amm

15 Marcel Bovis –

16 Nino Migliori

17 Gyorgy Kepes

18 Art Criticism 9. Which photogram artist did you like the best? Why?
10. Complete a 4 part art criticism (4 paragraphs – using the handout) about your favorite photogram image.

19 Artists and images found on:
Look up other photogram artists on this website for inspiration for your own work

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