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Presentation on theme: "Vision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision

2 Transformation of materials selection process towards:
High interest collections at 25 community libraries Recreational reading and independent lifelong learning Increased breadth and depth of collections Cultural trends & demographic changes

3 Long View

4 Patron-centered vision

5 To provide deep satisfaction across a broad spectrum and do so equitably

6 Balancing Inclusiveness with Cost Efficiency

7 History

8 Background work

9 Successes this year

10 Continued work Presentation of findings to work groups
Development of recommendations based upon findings and response of work groups Collection Development Committee goal setting includes support of materials selection changes as a key role for committee members. Committee members clearly tasked with supporting implementation of decisions made by Library Administration

11 Evaluation: Patron Satisfaction
Seamlessness Continued circulation growth Relevancy

12 Evaluation: Staff Discussions
Emotions acknowledged, but decisions reflect observable facts Strategic Plan colors decisions Budgetary reality transparent

13 Evaluation: Implementation

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