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School Stewards Conference June 17, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "School Stewards Conference June 17, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Stewards Conference June 17, 2016

2 How Do I Find This Presentation?
Go to , hover on Offices, and click on Accounting and Finance. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important. Introduce each of the major topics. To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next. Then click on Annual Financial Updates.

3 Stewardship for School Leaders
Agenda Prayer & Welcome Why are we doing this? Tuition revenue accounting Questions, comments, concerns

4 Stewardship for School Leaders
Thank you!

5 Stewardship for School Leaders
Issues: Mission Best practices and standardization Operational vitality metrics Communications Sustainability

6 Stewardship for School Leaders
School advisory board that meets regularly Finance committee that meets regularly Annual budget Meaningful discussions of financial results including variances from budget Transparency and timeliness of financial reporting

7 Stewardship for School Leaders
Local vs. global perspective Responsibility to present true financial picture

8 Other Peachtree Take me to the Cloud!

9 One cost center used for all departments
Cost centers used for each department


11 Stewardship for School Leaders
The New Chart of Accounts is designed with flexibility. Those that want less do not have to be burdened with sub accounts they will not use. Those that want more do not have to make do with a simple chart of accounts.

12 Stewardship for School Leaders


14 Stewardship for School Leaders
Questions, Comments and Concerns

15 Stewardship for School Leaders
Support development of annual budget Reconciliation of bank accounts Payment of Invoices Meaningful discussions of financial results including variances from budget Transparency and timeliness of financial reporting

16 Stewardship for School Leaders

17 Stewardship for School Leaders

18 Glossary

19 Stewardship for School Leaders

20 July Tuition Revenue Accounting

21 Revenue: School Fees Technology Fee - July

22 Payment of Technology Fees - July

23 Pre-Payment of Tuition

24 August Tuition Revenue Accounting

25 Revenue: Recording Tuition for 2016-2017 School Year

26 Reducing Tuition due for pre-payment

27 Non-supporting premium

28 School Tuition Assistance

29 Multi-Child Family Award

30 Step Up for Students (SUFS)

31 SUFS: Reduction in amount due from parents

32 SUFS Earned - August

33 Tuition Revenue Earned - August

34 Non-Supporting Premium Earned - August

35 School Assistance “Earned” - August

36 Multi-Child Award “Earned” - August

37 FACTS Tuition Deposit - August

38 Student Withdrawal – No Tuition Assistance

39 Student Withdrawal - $1,800 School Tuition Assistance

40 Student Withdrawal - $1,800 School Tuition Assistance

41 Accounts Summary - August

42 Accounts Summary - August

43 Stewardship for School Leaders
Questions, Comments and Concerns

44 Stewardship for School Leaders
Next Steps

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