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Click on Course Guides. Click on Course Guides.

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2 Click on Course Guides

3 Select Spanish Research Seminar


5 JSTOR offers a selection of articles from language & literature journals available in PDF format
The Course Guide is designed to offer appropriate databases

6 JSTOR Click on ADVANCED Search You can always modify the search
Select an option to search by You can always modify the search

7 Search TITLE “Miguel Hernandez” Both terms must appear next to each other
Scroll down & select the disciplines/subjects of journals

8 Results Page To access FULL article Click on PDF link Click on JSTOR’s Terms to access article

9 Click to open or download
Remember: Check the references, in the article, to find relevant citations on your topic When searching JSTOR: try varied searches to find additional articles

10 Remember to click CITE THIS ITEM

11 For further assistance in your research
do not hesitate to contact the Languages & Literature Liaison, Sue Ottignon

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