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Enrollment Management Projections: Allocation of General Education Enrollment to Facilitate Student Completion Dr. Irene Malmgren, Vice President of Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Enrollment Management Projections: Allocation of General Education Enrollment to Facilitate Student Completion Dr. Irene Malmgren, Vice President of Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enrollment Management Projections: Allocation of General Education Enrollment to Facilitate Student Completion Dr. Irene Malmgren, Vice President of Instruction Ms. Barbara McNeice-Stallard, Director Dr. Chiou Yueh (Maria) Tsai, Senior Research Analyst Dr. John Barkman, Professional Expert Research & Institutional Effectiveness Mt. San Antonio College Research & Planning Group Conference, Kellogg West, Pomona April 10, 2014

2 What do you wish to learn from this presentation? Why are you here? By the end of this session, attendees will: 1. Know the basic formulas 2. Know the steps we used to get to expected seats and be able to apply it to their colleges and how it links to the Student Success Scorecard (e.g., transfer) 3. Understand that this is but one component of students GE course pattern taking that does not examine their majors, elective courses, or other factors that influence seat offerings Student Learning Outcomes

3 Background: Vice President of Instruction with years of experience was new to Mt. SAC in Summer 2013 Started by understanding how general education (GE) enrollment management worked at Mt. SAC Goal was to improve GE course scheduling Focused on improving student completion Focused on transfer Introduction

4 Improved GE Course offerings by: Understanding CSU-GE and IGETC requirements Understanding current course scheduling patterns Using simple math to predict expected seats from the GE requirements Understanding courses with labs Understanding course counts in more than one area Understanding course coding inconsistency Connects with transfer Value to Others

5 Art and science of enrollment management only as good as the quality of the data and the storyteller who can bring the data alive Vice President, Deans, Associate Deans Institutional researchers Context, context, context…behind the numbers Used to inform enrollment management changes – take FTES from non-GE low enrollment courses to GE Data Inquiry

6 Math is math is math Project originally created at Citrus College and moved to Mt. SAC Adjust to course labs Adjust to split seats Understand art and science of enrollment Use data inquiry Transferrable to Other Colleges

7 Used Argos, SQL, MS Access, MS Excel, ASSIST, and Banner, to capture data & display it In the future: Create similar reporting process with Executive Information System Possibility of a sandbox to do what if scenarios Dynamic process allowing for deeper dialogue Get ready to calculate! Leveraging Technology

8 Share of Total Activity Time: 4 minutes Define the number. Explain how it is calculated. How does it influence how many seats are needed? Activity #1

9 Expected Seats Activity Time: 5 minutes Understand the definitions What can your group calculate? What can you take back to your College? Activity #2

10 It took multiple team members (IR, VP, Deans, Instruction) Vice President & Deans provided context, scope, and background expertise (art & science of enrollment management) We learned more about GE courses & calculations than we ever thought possible We improved completion possibilities QUESTIONS? Summary & Qs

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