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World Religions.

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1 World Religions

2 I. Introduction Why we study world religions? The Approach
The world is becoming more interdependent It is part of a cultural group’s spiritual heritage The world’s history has been shaped by religions We learn about tolerance by studying religious views The Approach History of religion Basic doctrines of each Exposure to religions texts Social Practices involved

3 My religious stance Your role as a student
Advocate or passive observer? All religions will be presented as being ‘true’ in their teachings However I am not an expert Your role as a student Avoid using words such as ‘stupid’ or ‘dumb’ to describe religious ideas or practices Use non-judgmental words in discussion

4 III. Two Broad Categories of Religion
Western Religions Judaism Christianity Islam These religions are prominent with Europe &/or the English-speaking world View on Salvation Centre on an individual’s relationship with a personal god Generally focuses on “Abrahamic” faiths Abraham as a significant person in the origin of these religions We will learn more about Abraham’s role in each of the 3 western religions Eastern Religions Hinduism Buddhism These religions are prominent with Chinese or the Indian world View on Salvation Based on reincarnation Centre on humans living on earth according to fixed rules of conduct Focuses on Tao & Dharma Tao -"flow" of the universe, or the force behind the natural order Dharma -the underlying order in nature and life

5 IV. Western Religions Monotheistic: Belief in one God who is the creator of the world and the final judge of the people he has created. He forbids the worship of any false gods. This God has created humans, whose duty is to obey God. People have only one life to live in this world an the freedom to choose to serve the true God. Belief in the prophets & revelation Prophets: humans through whom God revealed his will Revelation: scriptures containing the truth that is essential to personal fulfillment Belief in judgment day For the faithful, this will be followed by personal fulfillment & the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.

6 V. Eastern Religions Can be Atheistic or Polytheistic Dharma Moksha
Atheistic–not believing on a god or gods (nontheistic) Polytheistic –belief in many gods Dharma natural law or duty referring to the order or harmony in the natural world/cosmos ideas about the proper conduct of human life Moksha Freedom from the cycle of death & rebirth to become a pure spirit Asceticism a life characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures Involves meditation to reach a spiritual existance

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